backdrop / backdrop-issues

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Add Markdown Editor Support with CKEditor 5 #6559

Open farhannorth opened 1 month ago

farhannorth commented 1 month ago

Problem/Motivation: Currently, backdrop lacks native support for a Markdown editor. Many users prefer Markdown for its simplicity and ease of use. Integrating CKEditor 5 with Markdown support would enhance content editing capabilities and improve user experience.

Proposed Resolution: Integrate CKEditor 5 with Markdown support as an optional text editor in backdrop. This can be achieved by leveraging CKEditor 5’s Markdown plugin, providing users with a seamless and modern markdown editing experience.

Alternatives: An alternative would be to use a different Markdown editor plugin, but CKEditor 5 is preferred due to its robust features and active development community.

Additional Information: For more details on CKEditor 5 and its Markdown plugin, see the CKEditor 5 documentation.

bugfolder commented 1 month ago

There is a Markdown contrib module.

klonos commented 1 month ago

@farhannorth I believe that we are already including markdown-style editing by default with Backdrop since we introduced CKEditor 5. For instance, typing - (dash followed by space) will start an unordered list, typing 1. (number, dot, space) will start an ordered list, typing > (greater-then followed by a space) will start a quote, etc.

Are you talking about something different?