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Date field widget types: Inconsistencies with the default value and label for the timezone selection #6599

Open klonos opened 3 weeks ago

klonos commented 3 weeks ago

This is one of several things I discovered while working on #6596 that I would like us to fix. Splitting it here, to avoid scope creep in the other issue.

  1. On a vanilla Backdrop site, add a new date field in any of the content types - select "HTML5 widget" for the widget.
  2. On the second step, when configuring the field settings, select "Date's time zone" from the "Time zone handling" select menu.
  3. Try creating new content of the type that you just added the date field to. Here's what the widget looks like (notice the "Timezone" label, and missing default value for the field): image
  4. Edit the content type, and change the widget to any of the other types. "Pop-up calendar" for example. Here's what the widget looks like (notice the missing "Timezone" label, but the value properly set to the default "UTC"): image
  5. Change the date field widget to any other than "HTML5 widget". Notice the same (missing label, but properly set default value)
klonos commented 3 weeks ago

PR here: