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Backdrop 1.28.1 Release checklist #6624

Open quicksketch opened 1 week ago

quicksketch commented 1 week ago

Release scheduled for June 23, 2024 6pm - 8pm PT

Pre-release tasks

Release tasks


Immediate Post-release tasks

If this release does NOT accompany a minor release:

Backdrop's Website updates

quicksketch commented 1 week ago

Release notes draft:

Maintenance release for Backdrop CMS. This update contains bug fixes and usability improvements only.

Notes for updating

This release includes changes to robots.txt. It is recommended that you copy the new lines from Backdrop core's robots.txt file, or replace the robots.txt file with the one from this release if you have made no customizations to that file.

No changes have been made to the .htaccess or default settings.php files in this release. Updating customized versions of those files is not necessary.

It will be necessary to run the update script (located at /core/update.php) for this release.

Changes since version 1.28.0 are listed below.

User Experience Improvements

Bug fixes

quicksketch commented 1 week ago

Release it out!

I updated the homepage of as well.

klonos commented 1 week ago

@quicksketch (or any other @backdrop/core-committers) there's a regression for which I've filed a quick PR in #4586. ...while it's not too late, would it be OK to delete the tag and the release and re-create it, or too late and will have to wait for 1.28.2? (the regression is rather obvious in the admin UI)

quicksketch commented 1 week ago

We shouldn't remake the tag or release. If necessary, we can make 1.28.2. But let's continue over in the issue that caused the regression.

klonos commented 1 week ago

Tugboat demo images updated šŸ‘šŸ¼ ...however, I cannot update the Wikipedia articles at the moment, as my IP is being blocked šŸ¤·šŸ¼ šŸ¤”

laryn commented 1 week ago

I've updated the Pantheon upstream to 1.28.1.