backdrop / backdrop-issues

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[UX] Project Browser: The default sorting is indicated as "Relevance" when it is in fact "Most installed" #6636

Open klonos opened 1 week ago

klonos commented 1 week ago

NOTE: This problem only happens once; when first visiting that page after a fresh installation. You cannot reproduce this at all on existing sites, and you cannot reproduce it again after you have changed the sorting even once, or have made even a single search. Odd.

Steps To Reproduce

To reproduce the behavior:

  1. Vanilla Backdrop installation.
  2. Go to the "Install new modules" page at admin/modules/install

If you need to reproduce the problem after testing with some filters/sorting: log out of the site, and then log back into the site. This happens because the last-used sorting/filtering is saved in the $_SESSION.

Actual behavior

Notice how the default sorting is indicated as "Relevance", however modules in that list below are actually sorted by "Most installed" (in descending order): image

Expected behavior

indigoxela commented 1 week ago

That's a "known problem".

Actually, I don't think that "Relevancy" (score) has any meaning in that search. Would be great to fix that, but... :shrug: Maybe just remove it?

klonos commented 1 week ago

I have something working locally, but it needs some polishing before I file a PR. I'm being "pulled" into other things at the moment, so it might take 2-3 days before I loop back to this.