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Backdrop 1.28.2 Release checklist #6642

Open jenlampton opened 6 days ago

jenlampton commented 6 days ago

Release scheduled for July 3, 2024 3pm - 5pm PT

Pre-release tasks

Release tasks

Assigned to quicksketch / herbdool / laryn / hosef

Immediate Post-release tasks

Backdrop's Website updates

See Also

jenlampton commented 6 days ago

Release notes draft:

Security release for Backdrop CMS. This release fixes 1 security vulnerability:

Notes for updating

Other changes since version 1.28.1 are listed below.

Bug fixes

Miscellaneous changes

argiepiano commented 6 days ago

The release notes include a link to the wrong issue. Issue 66 (php 4?) instead of Issue 6632. This is in the Bug Fixes section

klonos commented 6 days ago

Thanks for picking that @argiepiano 🙏🏼 ...fixed.

@jenlampton #6640 wasn't a UX improvement - it was a bug (regression) fix. I've amended that.

jenlampton commented 6 days ago

I've added a link to the SA into the release notes. Starting on notes for 1.27.3 now :)

jenlampton commented 6 days ago

The 1.28.2 release is cut! 🎉

findlabnet commented 6 days ago

It will be necessary to run the update script

But I do not see a call for an update.

laryn commented 6 days ago

I've updated the Pantheon upstream.

klonos commented 6 days ago

But I do not see a call for an update.

That's correct @findlabnet 👍🏼 ...if I compare there's no indication of any update hook.

Unfortunately, I do not have edit access for releases, so it will need to be done either by one of our @backdrop/core-committers or @jenlampton.

quicksketch commented 5 days ago

@findlabnet Thanks, I fixed the release description!

quicksketch commented 5 days ago

Thank you @laryn, @jenlampton, @klonos, and @argiepiano for coordinating today's release!