backlogs / redmine_backlogs

A Redmine plugin for agile teams
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Burndown chart not updated after changing "Chart options" #985

Open maszczyn opened 10 years ago

maszczyn commented 10 years ago

platform: # supported: 2.2.4, 2.3.2 backlogs: # supported: 1.0.5 ruby: # supported: 1.9.3, 2.0.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open project's "Task Board"
  2. Click "Burndown" link do display the burndown chart for current sprint
  3. Observe lots of lines displayed on the chart (as expected)
  4. Change any of "Chart options", e.g. de-select "ideal" line
  5. Observe the chart NOT getting updated (the "ideal" line is still visible on the chart)

I can reproduce this every time in Chrome and Firefox browsers. Didn't try other browsers.

Environment: Redmine version 2.3.2.stable Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 (2012-04-20) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.13 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 Redmine plugins: redmine_backlogs v1.0.5

holgerfriedrich commented 10 years ago

I can reproduce this issue. However if you select "Burndown" from the project's drop down menu in the master backlog view, it works fine!

Firefox 23.0.1 (Win)

Environment: Redmine version 2.3.2.stable Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 (2012-04-20) [i486-linux] Rails version 3.2.13 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2

maszczyn commented 10 years ago

Thanks for quick response. Unfortunately this workaround doesn't work for me - I observe the same issue no matter how I open the burndown chart window (I used "Backlogs" -> "Sprint XX" dropdown menu -> "Burndown").

Firefox 24.0 (windows)

bohansen commented 10 years ago

Unable to reproduce on linux (firefox 24, chrome 28). Any javascript errors?

maszczyn commented 10 years ago

No javascript errors, just some CSS errors. This is the output of Firefox's "Web Console" when I click "burndown" link:

[11:10:12.934] GET http:///redmine/rb/burndown/2/embed [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 309ms] [11:10:13.236] Error in parsing value for 'padding-top'. Declaration dropped. @ http:///redmine/rb/taskboards/2 [11:10:13.241] Error in parsing value for 'width'. Declaration dropped. @ http:///redmine/rb/taskboards/2 [11:10:13.241] Error in parsing value for 'height'. Declaration dropped. @ http:///redmine/rb/taskboards/2

I'm curious about the single GET you see above - the query is generated when I click on the "burndown" link to show the chart window, and no more GET-s are generated. Shouldn't there be one for every options change? E.g. shouldn't there be a second GET if I deselect "ideal" radio button?

BTW: I was able to reproduce it on linux client: Firefox - 24.0, Chrome - 29.0.1547.76 (223446)

holgerfriedrich commented 10 years ago

As I mentioned before, I can reproduce the issue only if I use the burndown link from the taskboard, but if I use "burndown" from the drop-down menu of the project in the master backlog view, it works fine. Now also reproduced with Firefox 24, Win.

There is no additional get call when you select another radio button, for both the working and the broken plot.

I did not spot any significant error messages either.

bohansen commented 10 years ago

Changing the options should be happening on the client so I would expect no extra gets. Best guess is to try and follow what happens in the javascript when clicking the options.