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Backstage is an open framework for building developer portals
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πŸ› Bug Report: fetch:plain:file fails with stream is not readable #17072

Closed punkle closed 7 months ago

punkle commented 1 year ago

πŸ“œ Description

When I created the following template step it fails with an error:

    - id: fetch-gitignore
      name: Fetch gitignore
      action: fetch:plain:file
        url: ""
        targetPath: '.gitignore'

πŸ‘ Expected behavior

i expect it to fetch the file and write it to the workspace directory at the targetPath

πŸ‘Ž Actual Behavior with Screenshots

It fails with the folling error:

2023-03-24T09:10:24.000Z Beginning step Fetch Repo
2023-03-24T09:10:24.000Z info: Fetching plain content from remote URL
2023-03-24T09:10:25.000Z InternalServerError: stream is not readable
    at readStream (/Users/brianfletcher/git-repos/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:185:17)
    at executor (/Users/brianfletcher/git-repos/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:120:5)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at getRawBody (/Users/brianfletcher/git-repos/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:119:10)
    at Object.buffer (webpack-internal:///../backend-common/src/reading/ReadUrlResponseFactory.ts:48:73)
    at fetchFile (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/actions/builtin/fetch/helpers.ts:67:34)
    at async Object.handler (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/actions/builtin/fetch/plainFile.ts:61:13)
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.executeStep (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/NunjucksWorkflowRunner.ts:196:13)
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.execute (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/NunjucksWorkflowRunner.ts:258:17)
    at async TaskWorker.runOneTask (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/TaskWorker.ts:88:33)

πŸ‘Ÿ Reproduction steps

Create a template with the step shown above and run it.

πŸ“ƒ Provide the context for the Bug.

No response

πŸ–₯️ Your Environment

No response

πŸ‘€ Have you spent some time to check if this bug has been raised before?

🏒 Have you read the Code of Conduct?

Are you willing to submit PR?

Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

punkle commented 1 year ago

Im happy to provide a PR, but I wouldnt know where to start with this.

punkle commented 1 year ago

@gavlyukovskiy are you finding it works for you?

gavlyukovskiy commented 1 year ago

@punkle It does work for me:

    - id: fetch-plain
      name: Fetch Plain
      action: fetch:plain:file
        targetPath: .gitignore

I can't access your repository, but for mine it works well.

gavlyukovskiy commented 1 year ago

@punkle well, I tried different combinations and it looks like it fails occasionally, especially first couple of seconds after starting with yarn dev, but not only.

I have tried adding more logging to GithubUrlReader after getting a response in readUrl, to see whether GH returns proper status code and response is readable:`Request ${ghUrl} -> ${response.status}, readable: ${response.body.readable}`)

but didn't find anything unusual:

[1] 2023-03-24T16:44:59.345Z backstage info Request -> 200, readable: true 
[1] 2023-03-24T16:44:59.557Z backstage info Request -> 200, readable: true 

It's always 200 and readable true, even when Backstage task fails with

2023-03-24T16:44:59.000Z InternalServerError: stream is not readable
    at readStream (/Users/artur.h/dev/projects/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:185:17)
    at executor (/Users/artur.h/dev/projects/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:120:5)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at getRawBody (/Users/artur.h/dev/projects/backstage/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:119:10)
    at Object.buffer (webpack-internal:///../backend-common/src/reading/ReadUrlResponseFactory.ts:48:73)1
    at fetchFile (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/actions/builtin/fetch/helpers.ts:67:34)1
    at async Object.handler (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/actions/builtin/fetch/plainFile.ts:62:13)1
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.executeStep (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/NunjucksWorkflowRunner.ts:196:13)1
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.execute (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/NunjucksWorkflowRunner.ts:258:17)1
    at async TaskWorker.runOneTask (webpack-internal:///../../plugins/scaffolder-backend/src/scaffolder/tasks/TaskWorker.ts:88:33)
gavlyukovskiy commented 1 year ago

I've added more debug logs in various places and also close listener

    response.body.on("close", () => {
      getRootLogger().info("buffer close")

and I think I know what is the problem:

[1] 2023-03-24T17:56:23.513Z backstage info Request -> 200, readable: true 
[1] 2023-03-24T17:56:23.518Z backstage info fromNodeJSReadable readable: true 
[1] 2023-03-24T17:56:23.519Z backstage info fromReadable readable: true 
[1] 2023-03-24T17:56:23.526Z backstage info buffer close 
[1] 2023-03-24T17:56:23.527Z backstage info fromReadable.buffer readable: false 

so body is closed before we could read it, but I have no idea what closes it, I didn't find any body.close() or body.destroy() calls. I'm not really node developer, but perhaps this helps somebody to investigate issue further 🀷

punkle commented 1 year ago

@gavlyukovskiy thanks for looking into it. Unfortunately I may not be able to help with identifying what might be causing that.

fabidick22 commented 1 year ago

Hi @gavlyukovskiy, I have the same problem, it seems to be related to private repository files. When I try to get the file everything works fine, but when I try to get a repo from my organization ( I get the same error.

2023-04-19T15:02:29.082Z Beginning step Get repo file
2023-04-19T15:02:29.091Z info: Fetching plain content from remote URL
2023-04-19T15:02:29.256Z InternalServerError: stream is not readable
    at readStream (/app/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:185:17)
    at executor (/app/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:120:5)
punkle commented 1 year ago

I wonder would someone in the @backstage/catalog-maintainers group be able to help us here. I believe the issue is being surfaced when accessing the buffer of the URL reader which I would expect would work in this case. Perhaps this task is not using the url reader correctly?

eytanhanig commented 1 year ago

Ironically, it appears to work with the URL from the tests,

Meanwhile, it fails for

punkle commented 1 year ago

@eytanhanig it is a little odd that it works some of the time. I am not sure yet what the pattern is.

benjdlambert commented 1 year ago

I wonder if this could be a node-fetch issue? Maybe moving over to using the built in fetch in node, and something might be another debugging tool to see if we can work out what's going on here?

punkle commented 1 year ago

@benjdlambert can you elaborate a little? Which import would get us the fetch you are suggesting? At the moment the github url reader is using this: import fetch, { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch';

What are you suggesting to try?

benjdlambert commented 1 year ago

I'm suggesting to use the new built in fetch with node, which is shipped as undici. You can see the docs for this and you can do to basically give you a readable stream I think. It's not on the fetch like in node-fetch so you might have to change a few basic things to get it to work as it does today. Worth a try at least so we can see if it's anything to do with how we're using node-fetch or if it's something else.

require('undici').stream should be it

benjdlambert commented 1 year ago

I think you can even install that package as a seperate dependency too to backport it to older versions of node if you don't have it already.

benjdlambert commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the message spam, but there's also this docs here which might be of interest using the streams

punkle commented 1 year ago

@benjdlambert something like this

eytanhanig commented 1 year ago

Have there been any updates on this?

pcgqueiroz commented 11 months ago

Hey! I had the same issue and I have managed to fix the problem changing the order of calls in the fetchFile function.

    const res = await reader.readUrl(readUrl);
-   await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(outputPath));
-   const buffer = await res.buffer();
+   const buffer = await res.buffer();
+   await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(outputPath));    
    await fs.outputFile(outputPath, buffer.toString());

Please comment if this fix also works for you.

benjdlambert commented 11 months ago

Hmm that's an unexpected fix if that works :shrug: Looks like a race condition to me, I wondered if this was also perhaps related to the #18002 issue that was previously fixed recently?

pcgqueiroz commented 11 months ago

Hey @benjdlambert , I agree with you that it is an unexpected fix. It took me a while to discover it and, sincerely, I donΒ΄t know why this change fixes the problem. The thing is that it worked for me and changing the order things are called do no harm for the code. I mean, no side effects apparently. I think it's worth a try.

benjdlambert commented 11 months ago

@eytanhanig @pcgqueiroz can you try the latest version of backstage 1.16 and see if you can reproduce it with this? And if you can, can we get a reproducible example that we can try with so we can dig into this further?

athifongoqa commented 9 months ago

Hey, has there been any progress/updates on this?

pedronastasi commented 8 months ago

I've got

  "version": "1.15.0"

and I'm facing the issue

benjdlambert commented 8 months ago

@pedronastasi can you update to the latest versions and see if the problem still persists? We made some changes in 1.16 but without reproduction case it's hard to see if we've fixed it or not.

alper98 commented 8 months ago

We're on 1.17.5, and have the same issue.

And can confirm that it works fine by fetching from public repositories, but when fetching from our org, it fails with stream is not readable

benjdlambert commented 8 months ago

Hey @alper98 would it be possible for you to create a reproduction repo or something with a basic create-app? This is hard to debug without a reliable reproduction case.

brunosantosnet commented 7 months ago

I've used fetch:plain:file several times without any problems. Now I have this problem

benjdlambert commented 7 months ago

@brunosantosnet is it possible that you can setup a minimal reproduction repository for this so we can dig in further? Also what change caused this to start breaking and failing? :pray:

brunosantosnet commented 7 months ago

@benjdlambert my scenario is the worst possible. There are repositories that using fetch:plain:file the error does not occur, I don't know why. When I use fetch:plain I only have problems in repositories with many objects :-(

benjdlambert commented 7 months ago

For people that have this issue, is it Node 20 or are we seeing it on Node 18 too?

benjdlambert commented 7 months ago

I think I have a fix, it's a similar fix to the other stream bug that we had. I managed to replicate this locally, but it doesn't happen every time, so I think that this works as I've not been able to reproduce it one using this fix.


benjdlambert commented 6 months ago

Can we verify that this is fixed by bumping to the latest -next release?

yarn backstage-cli versions:bump --release=next

pballandras commented 6 months ago

Can we verify that this is fixed by bumping to the latest -next release?

yarn backstage-cli versions:bump --release=next


Maybe you got your answer a while ago, but I was able to fix this issue by moving on to the 0.20.0-next.3 version of @backstage/backend-common. So it would look like this is fixed.


benjdlambert commented 6 months ago

Yep I think that this got released in the mainline release of 1.20 so should be fixed for everyone from that version 🀞

gavlyukovskiy commented 6 months ago

Hi @benjdlambert, unfortunately this is still the case on Backstage 1.20.3, but with gitlab url in format https://<url>/<group>/<repo>/blob/main/CODEOWNERS:

2023-12-21T13:34:06.384Z info: Fetching plain content from remote URL
2023-12-21T13:34:06.750Z InternalServerError: stream is not readable
    at readStream (/app/node_modules/@backstage/backend-common/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:185:17)
    at executor (/app/node_modules/@backstage/backend-common/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:120:5)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at Object.getRawBody [as default] (/app/node_modules/@backstage/backend-common/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:119:10)
    at Object.buffer (/app/node_modules/@backstage/backend-common/dist/index.cjs.js:1232:48)
    at Object.fetchFile (/app/node_modules/@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-node/dist/index.cjs.js:87:30)
    at async Object.handler (/app/node_modules/@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend/dist/cjs/router-68c854a3.cjs.js:724:7)
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.executeStep (/app/node_modules/@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend/dist/cjs/router-68c854a3.cjs.js:7233:9)
    at async NunjucksWorkflowRunner.execute (/app/node_modules/@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend/dist/cjs/router-68c854a3.cjs.js:7306:9)
    at async TaskWorker.runOneTask (/app/node_modules/@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend/dist/cjs/router-68c854a3.cjs.js:7528:26)
    at async run (/app/node_modules/p-queue/dist/index.js:163:29)

but it's not consistent, approximately every second request fails.

benjdlambert commented 6 months ago

@gavlyukovskiy can you create a reproduction repo or something so that we can reproduce this easier? These things are hard to dig into otherwise.

gavlyukovskiy commented 6 months ago

@benjdlambert I've created a reproducer, though I cannot reproduce it with latest version v1.21.0 (or master), but I still can with v1.20.3:

git checkout v1.20.3

# add to remote templates:
yq eval '.spec.targets += ""' -i plugins/scaffolder-backend/sample-templates/remote-templates.yaml

yarn dev

then after using the template with url (default) it returns InternalServerError: stream is not readable error.

We will upgrade our Backstage to the latest version tomorrow and I'll let you know if we still see that issue on our production instance.

gavlyukovskiy commented 6 months ago

@benjdlambert ah, I thought that your fix was in 1.20.3, but it only got into 1.21.0. Looks like it did fix the issue πŸ‘

benjdlambert commented 5 months ago

Ah apologies - yeah looks like it did go out in 1.21.0, nice at least it's fixed! :tada: