backstage / backstage

Backstage is an open framework for building developer portals
Apache License 2.0
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docs: restructure local-dev and rename to tooling #24816

Closed Rugvip closed 2 days ago

Rugvip commented 2 weeks ago

Thoughts on this restructure? I though it might be a bit clearer. Moved it down as well since I don't think it needs to be as far up.


Other names considered:

backstage-goalie[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Changed Packages

Package Name Package Path Changeset Bump Current Version
example-backend-legacy packages/backend-legacy none v0.2.99-next.1
@backstage/cli-node packages/cli-node patch v0.2.6-next.0
github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Uffizzi Ephemeral Environment - Virtual Cluster

Your cluster pr-24816 was successfully created. Learn more about Uffizzi virtual clusters To connect to this cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Uffizzi CLI from
  2. Login to Uffizzi, then select the backstage account and project:
    uffizzi login
Select an account: 
  ‣ backstage

Select a project or create a new project: 
  ‣ backstage-6783521
  1. Update your kubeconfig: uffizzi cluster update-kubeconfig pr-24816 --kubeconfig=[PATH_TO_KUBECONFIG] After updating your kubeconfig, you can manage your cluster with kubectl, kustomize, helm, and other tools that use kubeconfig files: kubectl get namespace --kubeconfig [PATH_TO_KUBECONFIG]

Access the backstage endpoint at

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Thank you for contributing to Backstage! The changes in this pull request will be part of the 1.28.0 release, scheduled for Tue, 18 Jun 2024.