backstage / community-plugins

Community plugins for Backstage
Apache License 2.0
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[Plugin] Backstage metrics #270

Open OrkoHunter opened 2 years ago

OrkoHunter commented 2 years ago


A plugin which shows metrics and insights about a Backstage instance. This kind of information is of great value for the Platform teams/Product managers to figure out what is working well and what can be improved.

Some metrics that can be shown by this plugin are

Org and trends


Some of these metrics require analytics to be setup already so that plugin usage data exists somewhere (Google Analytics, etc.). The UI of the plugin can be pretty flexible and show any numbers its database can store.

One other feature of this plugin could be to send weekly reports to key stakeholders of Backstage in an organization.

Question to backstage adopters

mufaddal7 commented 2 years ago

Interesting, would love to work on this. This plugin would be very helpful for many organizations. A good way to measure adoption. We did something similar to gather metrics on our backstage portal using New Relic. We were focussing on gathering user information (events, views, etc)

  • Number of plugins installed
  • Plugins usage (Active/Inactive/Popular/etc.)
  • Number of users (Active/Inactive/All)
  • Catalog entities and trends
  • ...and more


  • Time to Create (new components)
  • Time to load Backstage
  • ...and more

These are some good helper points to start off with.

benjdlambert commented 2 years ago

@mufaddal7 assigned! Maybe it would be a great start for plugin-debug or something where it could also log some great things for creating of bug tickets or something.

Expalex commented 2 years ago

These are great metrics! Our team is working to add some of the following to ours at the moment

satrox28 commented 2 years ago

Any update on this issue @mufaddal7. @Expalex will you be sharing the code?.

Expalex commented 2 years ago

We have some created and are creating that'd be useful. Our team need to go through the list to see which ones would be best to contribute first and in order. I'll update here once I find out. I do not have an ETA at this time.

regicsolutions commented 2 years ago

@Expalex interested to see what your team has built, any plans on open-sourcing?

gman0922 commented 2 years ago

Is there a current update on this issue @mufaddal7? :)

mufaddal7 commented 2 years ago

@guillermomanzo on a tight schedule , didn't get the time to compose a plugin.

If anyone opens up a PR , will be happy to contribute the bits and pieces, I developed .

Rymania commented 2 years ago

Looking at outcomes we'd be really interested in looking at "reuse" and "experience" (as well as the standard user stats - let's put them in "reach").


These all seem pretty similar to your thinking.

We're just starting off on Backstage, so these stats will be really useful to demonstrate adoption and value. Right now the engineers will be busy on the core implementation but I'd love to see this. Developer Experience A trickier one to put in but could consider the below. I think that there's a case for an NPS plug-in separate to this.


benjdlambert commented 2 years ago

@fcorti what do you think about the above metrics?

fcorti commented 2 years ago

This is a relevant topic for most adopters and I frequently receive questions about it. The topic of "telemetry" is important and it is definitely on our radar.

I can see two challenges at this stage: 1) Having clarity on the "right" metrics to be developed (and this thread is an example where we talk about "metrics for operators" and "metrics for product owners"). 2) Ensure the bandwidth to start the development (this is always a challenge).

I personally think that it is good to have a place where to discuss and coordinate the effort, but not sure if we should start developing an MVP of the plugin (with a few basic metrics) and iterate through contributions or discuss the proper metrics first.

On Spotify's side, we are discussing item 1 (with @michael-bellato and @iamEAP) but it would be great to coordinate the effort.

If someone will be happy to invest time and effort in the development of an MVP, let me know.

We'll keep the community updated on the evolution on our side.

Rymania commented 2 years ago

Thanks @fcorti - I personally am interested in the Product Owner type metrics, because they will show the value proposition for scaling and also help us understand what our users want.

In terms of contributing - we are still working on the core installation right now, but I will keep this in mind once we've done that because I see being able to measure outcomes as as part of our MVP - and we are looking at other options given that the Google Analytics Plug-in cannot be used now due to some of the GDPR rulings of the GA product in the EU.

binitan commented 2 years ago

Some initial thoughts - I am looking for trends on contribution by developers community. Based on this we can design rewards & recognition for the top contributors in 3 different categories - catalog, template, docs and encourage innersourcing within our organization. Glad to discuss other ideas that anyone has regarding the rewards system as an incentive for contribution.

All the above mentioned metrics are also relevant for us.

marcelovcpereira commented 1 year ago

This is something we also would like to have and will soon start considering the development of our own plugin. Do we have any news on such a metric plugin?

kurtaking commented 1 year ago

We want a way to view all repositories created from a specific Backstage template within the Backstage UI. We have considered building an internal plugin to accomplish this.

awanlin commented 1 year ago

@kurtaking there's some Prometheus metrics for the scaffolder that might have that, I just not sure what labels ended up being used:

awanlin commented 1 year ago

Yup, they include what template and what user:

kurtaking commented 1 year ago

@awanlin ah, thank you. I came across this issue before the PR that introduced these metrics. I'll take a look.

kurtaking commented 1 year ago

@awanlin do you know if anyone has considered building a UI to surface these metrics?

awanlin commented 1 year ago

@kurtaking, well generally speaking Prometheus metrics would get graphed or visualized in a tool like Grafana so I think that's what most people are doing.

iamEAP commented 1 year ago

Glad to see some activity in this thread! Wanted to throw down a few thoughts that've been swirling around in my head, and hopefully try and turn this issue into something a little more actionable.

Synthesizing some of the ideas here, I want to propose that there are up to three (perhaps more) distinct categories of utility that people are looking to unlock with Backstage in this thread. In my mind, those are:

I'm inclined to say that the utility of showing any of this data within Backstage is quite low. The audience for this data is pretty limited to the people operating and iterating on Backstage at an organization, as well as their leadership, and not necessarily users of Backstage. With that in mind, I'm inclined to recommend that any kind of UI for these should live elsewhere (be it Google Analytics, Grafana, New Relic, etc).

What's left to do

On: Usage Metrics: The Plugin Analytics API was specifically designed to unlock this use-case. Some of the Catalog and Template-related suggestions in this thread are now (only as of relatively recently) possible to derive from Analytics API data (much of from What's missing seems like...

On: Application Performance Metrics: I'm honestly out of the loop on where things are in Backstage with respect to APM. The guide @awanlin points to seems like a great start for those using prometheus. For orgs who use other technologies, I'm not sure what's possible. Would someone be willing to summarize the state of Backstage APM and recommend possible next steps like above?

On: Productivity Metrics: IMO, this is a totally unexplored area. Are there SaaS or OSS products out there that offer this? Could they be integrated with Backstage?

julioz commented 1 year ago

@iamEAP on productivity metrics, there are many tools out there specialized in measuring DORA/SPACE/etc, a famous one being dx. For example, in our usage at SoundCloud, we've built some integration within our GoCD CI Server and also help build a CodeScene plugin. These are "within Backstage" up to the point where a user wants to drill down more specifically, and our plugins then lead the users to the external tool UI (in other words, we didn't reinvent the wheel).

I do agree with you something like the "Analytics Plugin" would be very useful for our customers here too. In terms of Prometheus metrics, though - we have used the "temporary" instrumentation (that if I remember correctly is being replaced with OTEL), and added a custom flavor of observability through log ingestion (via mtail), to generate alerts to the operational team. I agree these don't fit in the Backstage UI, and are more a "behind the scenes" thing for maintainers.

bforbis commented 1 year ago

I'm inclined to say that the utility of showing any of this data within Backstage is quite low. The audience for this data is pretty limited to the people operating and iterating on Backstage at an organization, as well as their leadership, and not necessarily users of Backstage.

A use case for surfacing this to users directly in backstage is to reach some sort of feature parity with the engagement statistics functionality that is built into Confluence (using this addon). This allows content authors to understand if the documentation they have written is useful to their stakeholders

image image
binitan commented 1 year ago

@bforbis Could you point me to the PR for this feature or is it proprietary?

bforbis commented 1 year ago

@binitan that's just a screenshot of confluence. I'm suggesting it as a possible use case for why users may be interested in page analytics. Backstage could be updated to do something similar.

canda commented 11 months ago

I'm inclined to say that the utility of showing any of this data within Backstage is quite low. The audience for this data is pretty limited to the people operating and iterating on Backstage at an organization, as well as their leadership, and not necessarily users of Backstage. With that in mind, I'm inclined to recommend that any kind of UI for these should live elsewhere (be it Google Analytics, Grafana, New Relic, etc).

@iamEAP I agree that showing this data on Backstage itself doesn't add much value for regular backstage users But I think there is value in implementing the UI within Backstage because of the simplicity of implementation once such a plugin is developed. Otherwise, you end up with suggestions like the one @awanlin mentioned. Which is not good or bad in itself but does not apply to everyone's tech stack. To take advantage of the open source traction, we should pay the engineering cost of implementing something that works quickly and cheaply for everyone up front. Then everyone will quickly join to help iterate. And there is no more ubiquitous technology within Backstage users than... well, Backstage 😂 .

iamEAP commented 11 months ago

Yeah, the in-context engagement data is an interesting use-case. Some other use-cases that aren't specifically front-end could include decorating search index data with engagement numbers and using that as a basis for biasing results.

we should pay the engineering cost of implementing something that works quickly and cheaply for everyone up front.

Maybe! I'm not sure it's going to end up being all that cheap in the end, though.

On the data collection side, it was much more straightforward to put together an API interface that could quickly/easily be implemented across analytics providers because the business logic for each provider is basically just "accept JSON in one form, mutate it to match the platform's expected format."

...I can imagine it being a lot less straightforward to provide a general purpose interface for querying usage data across analytics platforms.

tduniec commented 5 months ago


In terms of backstage adoption and time savings generated by using templates. This may be useful in templates context

please find the plugin: