backstopmedia / hubbub

Sample project for the book Developing a Backbone.js Edge
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app.ListView() #25

Closed caseywebdev closed 11 years ago

caseywebdev commented 11 years ago

I use this in a project I'm working on

(function () {
  'use strict';

  var $ = window.jQuery;
  var app =;
  var Backbone = window.Backbone;

  app.ListView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function () {
      this.views = {};
      this.listenTo(this.collection, {
        add: this.addModel,
        sort: this.sortModels,
        remove: this.removeModel

    addModel: function (model) {
      this.$el.append((this.views[model.cid] = new this.options.ModelView({
        collection: this.collection,
        model: model

    sortModels: function () {
      var views = this.views;
      var $el = this.$el;
      var $models = $el.children();
      this.collection.each(function (model, i) {
        var el = views[model.cid].el;
        if (!$models[i]) {
        } else if ($models[i] !== el) {
          $models = $($models.get().splice(i, 0, el));

    removeModel: function (model) {
      delete this.views[model.cid];
afeld commented 11 years ago

Very cool. Nice example (besides the modal) of making a reusable component.

caseywebdev commented 11 years ago

Bringing it into the project :+1:

philfreo commented 11 years ago

@caseywebdev remove needs to remove / clean up all the subview right?

caseywebdev commented 11 years ago

Yes, working on it.