Open alecazam opened 1 year ago
Don't initialize crashpad in the debug build if you don't want to use it.
We don't and we can't. The library isn't even loaded. So makes no sense why these errors show up. I've already reported the code in the Issues for how to wipe the crashpad database, and in Release we do that every time we launch. That code wasn't a part of the sample code from Backtrace. Without it, we were getting similar errors above but from our app metadata. The errors above are from Google Chrome but in our game.
#include <client/crashpad_client.h>
#include <client/settings.h>
#include <client/crash_report_database.h>
#include <client/crashpad_info.h>
// This is using libs built from new sources
// renamed from client.lib
#pragma comment( lib, "crashpad_client.lib" )
Are you disabling the actual function calls for crashpad initialization?
Yes, they're all in that file.
InitializeCrashpad( backtraceToken );
In that case, backtrace-crashpad is unlikely to be the culprit. Is it possible that your game or one of its dependencies include Google Chrome or something Chrome-based to render webpages (e.g. help, eula)?
Yes, maybe there's a Chromium or mini chromium that is causing this. Will see if that's the case.
Our game has a debug builds that don't include crashpad in the build, and crashpad_handler.exe isn't deployed alongside the .exe. Only our shipping builds do this. Yet when running the debug build, we get crashpad errors in our logs with errors trying to find attachments from Chrome. This is worriesome that somehow our app even without the crashpad library or handler is somehow triggering crashpad errors.
The workaround for now, was to go to this folder delete the metadata file from Google/Chrome.