baconbrad / php-webkit

PHP-Webkit is a boilerplate that allows you to package and run PHP applications within a NW.js (formally node-webkit) project.
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How can I pass something from php-webkit/main.js to application/index.php #28

Closed visualbadger closed 7 years ago

visualbadger commented 7 years ago

Is any possibility to pass data from main.js to application/index.php ? I have a little project that requires arduino and I use serialport in main.js to take data from arduino and with I want to emit that data to application/index.php .

This is my test function in main.js

var io = require('').listen(server);
function sendTime() {
    io.emit('time', { time: new Date().toJSON() });
setInterval(sendTime, 100);

This is my function from index.php:

socket.on('time', function(data) {
baconbrad commented 7 years ago

You are going to have to look into a standard AJAX solution more than likely. Your NW.js app is the client running a server. So you basically need to have that client pass data to the server.