bacpop / PopPUNK

PopPUNK 👨‍🎤 (POPulation Partitioning Using Nucleotide Kmers)
Apache License 2.0
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Visualisation with assign query + lineage fit #120

Closed johnlees closed 3 years ago

johnlees commented 3 years ago

Needs the dense matrix to draw the tree. Decide whether to: a) Recalculate each time b) Save the dense matrix along with the sparse matrix

johnlees commented 3 years ago

Or, I think the best choice: c) When a visualisation is made create the full matrix and save it. Subsequent visualisations can then load this file rather than recalculating

johnlees commented 3 years ago

Or d) Do b) by default, but add an option to turn off if desired