badRyuk / GenBot

This is a simple gen bot made with discord.js. This works with discordjs v12. It uses a command handler making it is easier to edit parts of the bot. This only 2 package which is discord.js and dot env
MIT License
11 stars 24 forks source link

I need help #3

Closed karsV48 closed 2 years ago

karsV48 commented 2 years ago

When I try to run the bot it says: CLIENT_MISSING_INTENTS, how do I fix this

badRyuk commented 2 years ago

What node.js version are you running? Try running node -v on command prompt or PowerShell.

badRyuk commented 2 years ago

Not waiting for more days/months, you need to reply if you want me to help you out honestly. Anyways open a new issue if you want to ask or something. I'm done with this stuff literally every issue here is opened by a completely new account, same for the stars. Probably gonna archive it in a month from now if I see no issues or something like this were the person doesn't respond. Closing the Issue