bada-studio / knights_support

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Found a bugg #17

Open ortenDeluxe opened 5 years ago

ortenDeluxe commented 5 years ago


First of all, there are several grammatical cases, as you probably know, when you ressurect the "warriors or heroes" it says "knight" and not KNIGHT'S , whatever - thats just cosmetics and we dont care about that,

But now i just found a bug, whilst my warrior or knight was dead, i changed the pet to something stronger ,which gave him health, so he spawned again with low hp (i guess the hp boosted by the pet got him ressurected at 10% hp) i guess this is not how it is supposed to be?

Once a hero dies it dies till you rebirth?

GassaFM commented 5 years ago

Keep in mind that all calculations are done at moment of rebirth. So, only items and pets at the moment of rebirth actually matter. The changes and their duration before that moment don't count, only the final state counts.

As a result, if you had one pet equipped but changed to another, the first pet doesn't count at all. Instead, the whole process is recalculated from scratch, as if the second pet was equipped from the start.

ortenDeluxe commented 5 years ago

That is really weird. So what do you mean, the whole hour that the knight was fighting with pet X it didnt actually count, because i swapped it after his death to XX??

Sense, you make none.

GassaFM commented 5 years ago


With physical knights and pets fighting goblins (yeah fun), I would agree with you.

But here, it's virtual knights and virtual goblins in a simulated environment, so they act exactly as the code says, whether it makes any sense to an observer or not.

And the code says that, when you hit the rebirth button, only then it calculates what happened since the last rebirth. The calculation is based on the knights' current equipment alone, and does not take history of equipment changes into account.

So the visualizer correctly represents it: whenever you make a change in equipment, the entire history since your last rebirth is overwritten using the new equipment. Sorry if it makes no sense to you, but it is so.