bada-studio / knights_support

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Game improvements needed: Too much materials and items (market flooded) #31

Open Thaimon opened 5 years ago

Thaimon commented 5 years ago


As mj-raindays pointed out much earlier, the marketplace is getting flooded. Especially the lower grade items and materials, there is too much. This can make it difficult for new players to sell stuff. I think this needs to be addressed as soon as possible, especially if you want to retain players and keep growing the game.

Now most players want to trash or sell their items/materials. Adding more features which make players want to buy and use items/materials will keep the marketplace more balanced and give new players enough opportunity to earn and spend in order to progress, while still rewarding the "die hard", committed long time players. This in turn wil make the game more enjoyable aswell as more rewarding for both the game maker and committed players.

The craftshop is a good idea which will help counter this problem a bit, but I think the game needs much more features which make players want to buy and use items/materials more and make them more scarce.

I have a couple suggestions:

  1. Add some cosmetic features, which don't add any ingame advantage but are nice to have. Like player avatar, knight skins, pet skins, etc. These can cost materials, water or both.

  2. add some more features which require the use of materials and/or items, like daily missions to earn some water.

  3. I think there could be more events/quests, more frequently, maybe even weekly or daily and the payout could be higher. You (game maker) might earn less in the short term but in the long term this wil stimulate your game to grow faster and bigger and eventually earn more (better business model).

  4. Maybe add daily challenges which could be similar to the current quests but player specific. Which the player can start by accepting the challenge and then needs to complete it in a certain amount of time.

  5. rule for the big events/quests based on max player level or max floor level so new players have less competition and can receive a higher reward.

  6. Maybe add new type of quests which involves the use of the marketplace. To complete these quests the player sometimes has to buy a certain amount of item(s) or material(s) from the market place and sometimes the player has to sell item(s) or material(s). Some quest require any item or material and other quests require specific grade, type and/or price of the item(s)/material(s) in order to complete.

  7. Add consumable items which can be crafted with materials. These consumable items can be used once to get something temporary like buffs etc.

  8. Item durability which lowers with each rebirth and items can be repaired with materials and/or water.

  9. Add features which consume materials and can fail, losing the item and/or materials. Something similar to synthesizing and merging like "improving" which can increase the quality of the item and "enchanting" which can give the item special properties. Maybe the special properties/enchantments can be re-rolled which again requires materials and/or water.

  10. Some more features for the pets, like feed them food or materials in order to reduce cool-down or temporarily buff them. Or ability to evolve pets in addition to increase their level.

  11. Maybe pet expeditions can have multiple outcomes, both positive and negative. While starting an expedition the player can choose between a few options with different risk/reward. When your pet succeeds you get the rewards, but when your pet fails you get nothing or even more negative effect like a longer cooldown, loss of pet lvl. Maybe your pet can die or run away and you have to get it back witch gacha all over again. The last outcome would off-course only happen with small chance and only if a player chooses the extremely risky expedition type.

  12. PVP where players can raid each-other for materials and/or water. Maybe players can use materials to build things to temporarily protect themselves against raids.

  13. Ranked PVP, turn-based. Same mechanics as dungeon battle, but player vs player.

  14. For the dungeon maybe the ticket materials and dungeon rewards can rotate. So sometimes you need to use a few rare materials and sometimes you need to use normal materials but a larger amount to create a ticket.

  15. Clans, Cland-wars, Clan-events, -missions, -quests, -dungeons, -bosses. This will also trigger people to invite their friends to join the game and join their clan.

  16. Maybe in addition to the "Trash" option for items add a "Salvage" option. If you trash you get some water, but if you salvage you get some materials back.

  17. Dungeon & Boss battle "consumable items". You can build these items with materials, when you use the item you get a slight advantage like a buff or revive a knight. After you use this consumable item it's gone.

  18. Dungeon & Boss co-op, start a battle with other players. Deal X damage together in a limited amount of time to win reward. Or beat dungeon X times together to win reward.

  19. Knight prestige. Reset knight to lvl 1 after reaching max lvl for slightly better stats or another special reward or special rank. This way players will keep trading all grade of items and materials even the older players once they have reset their knight(s).

I've seen some of the suggestions above have allready been added to the milestones in some form.

Great work so far, keep it up!


