A few things I want to suggest - not sure if possible / feasible but hopefully helpful:
Comments functionality - I plan to experiment with the comments plugin later (not sure it still works) https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_examples/tree/master/editable-comments-web but you may have already looked at it.
Some sort of Like button;
Optional function to autofill date and time / track updates.
Integration with messaging - to let people know when a new blog has been posted.
A few things I want to suggest - not sure if possible / feasible but hopefully helpful:
Comments functionality - I plan to experiment with the comments plugin later (not sure it still works) https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_examples/tree/master/editable-comments-web but you may have already looked at it. Some sort of Like button; Optional function to autofill date and time / track updates. Integration with messaging - to let people know when a new blog has been posted.