badeball / cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

Run cucumber/gherkin-syntaxed specs with Cypress
MIT License
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Screenshots added to cucumber.json #251

Closed adrianpaterson closed 2 years ago

adrianpaterson commented 4 years ago


I am able to generate the cucumber.json without any problem and have used multiple-cucumber-html-reporter to generate a great cucumber report off the back of this json.

The only thing i am missing is the ability to attach screenshots to the cucumber.json. I am looking for something similar to the mochawsome addContext functionality.

Is this currently possible? (All other reporters dont appear to generate json in the correct format for using to generate cucumber reports)


foxhound91 commented 4 years ago

Hi @adrianpaterson, please check this comment from @jcundill I know he was working on implementing something similar

DanielStoica85 commented 4 years ago

Hi @adrianpaterson,

Any chance you might provide an example on how you got multiple-cucumber-html-reporter to work with cypress-cucumber-preprocessor, even without screenshots? I am struggling with it and would appreciate the help.

Lukaszli commented 4 years ago

@DanielStoica85 If you already have cypress-cucumber-preprocessor you need to add to your package.json additional code to generate JSON output from cypress-cucumber-preprocessor.

"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": { "cucumberJson": { "generate": true, "outputFolder": "results/cucumber-json", "filePrefix": "", "fileSuffix": ".cucumber", } },

than you need to create a file with the runner, you can find it in docs of multiple-cucumber-html-reporter:

const report = require('multiple-cucumber-html-reporter');

  jsonDir: 'results/cucumber-json/',
  reportPath: 'results/report.html',
  openReportInBrowser: true,
  metadata: {
    browser: {
      name: 'chrome',
      version: '60',
    device: 'Local test machine',
    platform: {
      name: 'ubuntu',
      version: '16.04',
  customData: {
    title: 'Run info',
    data: [
      { label: 'Project', value: 'Custom project' },
      { label: 'Release', value: '1.2.3' },
      { label: 'Cycle', value: 'B11221.34321' },
      { label: 'Execution Start Time', value: 'Nov 19th 2017, 02:31 PM EST' },
      { label: 'Execution End Time', value: 'Nov 19th 2017, 02:56 PM EST' },

and after finishing tests you need to execute runner using node node <name_of_your_runner_file.js

mohitsingla1 commented 4 years ago

Skip Scenarios Data Missing in cucumber.json Anybody having an idea

nathfw commented 4 years ago

someone who managed to insert the screenshot next to the multiple cucumber html report?

zettpunkt79 commented 4 years ago

@nathfw Hi, I built a working example based on comment from @jcundill. There might be more elegant solutions, but it does the job. You can find it here:

Phenomite commented 4 years ago

Hi, I built a working example based on comment #155

Great solution, however the overarching regex fails when you perform cy.screenshot() and have non (failed) etc screenshots present.

Ill try adding this support myself otherwise just letting you know so maybe you'd want to add it to yours yourself.


pvishnu991 commented 4 years ago

Is there a workaround to include vedios and screenshots for the test cases which are passed as well to the report????

Report used: "multiple-cucumber-html-reporter": "^1.16.2" cucumber-report.js file which contains the current code to attach the screenshots on failures -----------------Code---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const report = require('multiple-cucumber-html-reporter') const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const chalk = require('chalk') const args = process.argv;

const cucumberJsonDir = './cypress/cucumber-json' const cucumberReportFileMap = {} const cucumberReportMap = {} const jsonIndentLevel = 2 const ReportDir = './cypress/reports/cucumber-report' const screenshotsDir = './cypress/screenshots'

getCucumberReportMaps() addScreenshots() generateReport()

//Mapping cucumber json files from the cucumber-json directory to the features function getCucumberReportMaps() { const files = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir).filter(file => { return file.indexOf('.json') > -1 }) files.forEach(file => { const json = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.join(cucumberJsonDir, file)) ) if (!json[0]) { return } const [feature] = json[0].uri.split('/').reverse() cucumberReportFileMap[feature] = file cucumberReportMap[feature] = json }) }

//Adding screenshots to the respective failed test steps in the feature files function addScreenshots() {

const prependPathSegment = pathSegment => location => path.join(pathSegment, location)

const readdirPreserveRelativePath = location => fs.readdirSync(location).map(prependPathSegment(location))

const readdirRecursive = location => readdirPreserveRelativePath(location) .reduce((result, currentValue) => fs.statSync(currentValue).isDirectory() ? result.concat(readdirRecursive(currentValue)) : result.concat(currentValue), []) const screenshots = readdirRecursive(path.resolve(screenshotsDir)).filter(file => { return file.indexOf('.png') > -1 })

const featuresList = Array.from(new Set( => x.match(/[\w-_.]+.feature/g)[0]))) featuresList.forEach(feature => { screenshots.forEach(screenshot => {

  const regex = /(?<=--\ ).+?((?=\ \(example\ #\d+\))|(?=\ \(failed\))|(?=\.\w{3}))/g
  const [scenarioName] = screenshot.match(regex)'\n    Adding screenshot to cucumber-json report for'))`    '${scenarioName}'`))

  const myScenarios = cucumberReportMap[feature][0].elements.filter(
    e => scenarioName.includes(
  if (!myScenarios) { return }
  let foundFailedStep = false
  myScenarios.forEach(myScenario => {
    if (foundFailedStep) {
    let myStep
    if (screenshot.includes('(failed)')) {
      myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
        step => step.result.status === 'failed'
    } else {
      myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
        step =>'screenshot')
    if (!myStep) {
    const data = fs.readFileSync(
    if (data) {
      const base64Image = Buffer.from(data, 'binary').toString('base64')
      if (!myStep.embeddings) {
        myStep.embeddings = []
        myStep.embeddings.push({ data: base64Image, mime_type: 'image/png' })
        foundFailedStep = true
  //Write JSON with screenshot back to report file.
    path.join(cucumberJsonDir, cucumberReportFileMap[feature]),
    JSON.stringify(cucumberReportMap[feature], null, jsonIndentLevel)

}) }

//Report generation with customized meta data included function generateReport() { if (!fs.existsSync(cucumberJsonDir)) { console.warn(chalk.yellow(WARNING: Folder './${cucumberJsonDir}' not found. REPORT CANNOT BE CREATED!)) } else { report.generate({ jsonDir: cucumberJsonDir, reportPath: ReportDir, saveCollectedJSON: true, displayDuration: true, reportName: Regression Test Report - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}, metadata: { browser: { name: 'chrome' }, device: 'LM', platform: { name: 'Windows' } } }) } }

panraj01 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I built a working example based on comment #155

Great solution, however the overarching regex fails when you perform cy.screenshot() and have non (failed) etc screenshots present.

Ill try adding this support myself otherwise just letting you know so maybe you'd want to add it to yours yourself.


Hi - I am facing the same issue. Did you find a way around this ?

Many thanks.

jradom commented 3 years ago

@panraj01 Did you find any way to attach non-failed (on-demand added) screenshots to a report?

panraj01 commented 3 years ago

@panraj01 Did you find any way to attach non-failed (on-demand added) screenshots to a report?

Actually I did not for a short time and then i got into something else. I will get back to this when i get back to working on reporting, in the mean time if someone from this great community gets a solution, please share.

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

Anyone know how to generate cucumber-json reports with screenshot and also cucumber html reports with screenshot please, I would be very grateful? of the suggestions that I have read, none have generated the cucumber-json report, nor the html with screenshots.


panraj01 commented 3 years ago

@gretherMG Are you not able to

1 - generate cucumber.json or

2 - not able to generate html reports with cucumber.json or

3 - not able to add screenshot to failed test cases on the html report?

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

Hi @panraj01 The cucumber-json report is generated without screenshots, just like the html report. I have tried the solutions that they have indicated, but I can't do it, I don't know if someone has a clearer example, please, I would be very grateful.

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

any solution please, someone managed to add screenshot to cucumber json, any ideas?

panraj01 commented 3 years ago

Paste it as is - this works for screenshot on failure, i have modified it per my need, you can modify for yours. Note: I was modifying it further to capture screenshot at will (not only failure) but i moved on to something else, you might find some lines that aren't needed to capture screenshot on failure.

const report = require('multiple-cucumber-html-reporter') const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const chalk = require('chalk')

const cucumberJsonDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cyreport/cucumber-json") //'./cypress/test-results/cucumber-json' const cucumberReportFileMap = {} const cucumberReportMap = {} const jsonIndentLevel = 2 const htmlReportDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cyreport/htmlReport") //'./cypress/test-results/cucumber-json'./src/cyreport/html' const screenshotsDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cyreport/screenshots") //const snapshotDir = './cypress/snapshots'

getCucumberReportMaps() addScreenshots() //addSnapshots() generateReport()

function getCucumberReportMaps() { filenames = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir); const files = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir).filter(file => { return file.indexOf('.json') > -1 }) files.forEach(file => { const json = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.join(cucumberJsonDir, file)) ) if (!json[0]) { return } const [feature] = json[0].uri.split('/').reverse() cucumberReportFileMap[feature] = file cucumberReportMap[feature] = json }) }

function addScreenshots() { if (fs.existsSync(screenshotsDir)) { //only if screenshots exists const prependPathSegment = pathSegment => location => path.join(pathSegment, location) const readdirPreserveRelativePath = location => fs.readdirSync(location).map(prependPathSegment(location)) const readdirRecursive = location => readdirPreserveRelativePath(location) .reduce((result, currentValue) => fs.statSync(currentValue).isDirectory() ? result.concat(readdirRecursive(currentValue)) : result.concat(currentValue), []) const screenshots = readdirRecursive(path.resolve(screenshotsDir)).filter(file => { return file.indexOf('.png') > -1 }) const featuresList = Array.from(new Set( => x.match(/[\w-_.]+.feature/g)[0]))) featuresList.forEach(feature => { screenshots.forEach(screenshot => { const regex = /(?<=--\ ).+?((?=\ (example\ #\d+))|(?=\ (failed))|(?=.\w{3}))/g const [scenarioName] = screenshot.match(regex) const myScenarios = cucumberReportMap[feature][0].elements.filter( e => scenarioName.includes( ) if (!myScenarios) { return } let foundFailedStep = false myScenarios.forEach(myScenario => { if (foundFailedStep) { return } let myStep if (screenshot.includes('(failed)')) { myStep = myScenario.steps.find( step => step.result.status === 'failed' ) } else { myStep = myScenario.steps.find( step => step.result.status === 'passed' ) } if (!myStep) { return } const data = fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(screenshot) ) if (data) { const base64Image = Buffer.from(data, 'binary').toString('base64') if (!myStep.embeddings) { myStep.embeddings = [] myStep.embeddings.push({ data: base64Image, mime_type: 'image/png' }) foundFailedStep = true } } }) //Write JSON with screenshot back to report file. fs.writeFileSync( path.join(cucumberJsonDir, cucumberReportFileMap[feature]), JSON.stringify(cucumberReportMap[feature], null, jsonIndentLevel) ) }) }) } }

function generateReport() { if (!fs.existsSync(cucumberJsonDir)) { console.warn(chalk.yellow(WARNING: Folder './${cucumberJsonDir}' not found. REPORT CANNOT BE CREATED!)) } else { report.generate({ jsonDir: cucumberJsonDir, reportPath: htmlReportDir, displayDuration: true, useCDN: true, pageTitle: 'Your App Name here', reportName: App Name - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}, metadata: { app: { name: '103-Mobile', version: '1.70.x' }, browser: { name: 'chrome' }, device: 'EMULATOR', platform: { name: 'windows' } }, customData: { title: 'Run info', data: [ { label: 'Project', value: 'CyMobileE2E' }, { label: 'Release', value: '20.2' }, { label: 'Cycle', value: 'I1' }, { label: 'Execution Start Time', value: 'Sept 19th 2020, 02:31 PM EST' }, { label: 'Execution End Time', value: 'Sept 19th 2020, 02:56 PM EST' } ] } }) } }

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

thanks for the prompt reply but it shows me this error image

panraj01 commented 3 years ago

It is saying you have no screenshot captured to iterate through the array. Remember this utility attaches no screenshot for passed scenario. It only attaches screenshot to the report when there is a failure. Do you have screenshot in your screenshot folders for the utility to attach it to html report?

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

If I have a screenshot, there is something strange because after re-executing the command to generate the report, it tells me Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir 'D: \ Users, however the address of the folder where it is the report is correct. I'll find a way to see why this error. Thanks

gretherMG commented 3 years ago

Hi @panraj01 Thanks for your help, I modified the code a bit and it worked for me, here I leave my code in case you need another person. Greetings

const report = require("multiple-cucumber-html-reporter");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");

const cucumberJsonDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cucumber-json");
const cucumberReportFileMap = {};
const cucumberReportMap = {};
const jsonIndentLevel = 2;
const htmlReportDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cucumber-json");
const screenshotsDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/screenshots");


function getCucumberReportMaps() {
  filenames = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir);
  const files = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir).filter((file) => {
    return file.indexOf(".json") > -1;
  files.forEach((file) => {
    const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(cucumberJsonDir, file)));
    if (!json[0]) {
    const [feature] = json[0].uri.split("/").reverse();
    cucumberReportFileMap[feature] = file;
    cucumberReportMap[feature] = json;

function addScreenshots() {
  if (fs.existsSync(screenshotsDir)) {
    //only if screenshots exists
    const prependPathSegment = (pathSegment) => (location) =>
      path.join(pathSegment, location);

    const readdirPreserveRelativePath = (location) =>

    const readdirRecursive = (location) =>
        (result, currentValue) =>
            ? result.concat(readdirRecursive(currentValue))
            : result.concat(currentValue),

    const screenshots = readdirRecursive(path.resolve(screenshotsDir)).filter(
      (file) => {
        return file.indexOf(".png") > -1;

    const featuresList = Array.from(
      new Set( => x.match(/[\w-_.]+.feature/g)[0]))

    featuresList.forEach((feature) => {
      screenshots.forEach((screenshot) => {
        const regex = /(?<=--\ ).+?((?=\ (example\ #\d+))|(?=\ (failed))|(?=.\w{3}))/g;
        const [scenarioName] = screenshot.match(regex);

        var filename = screenshot.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "");

        const featureSelected = cucumberReportMap[feature][0];

        let myScenarios = [];

        cucumberReportMap[feature][0].elements.forEach((item) => {
          let fullFileName = + " -- " +;
          if (filename.includes(fullFileName)) {

        if (!myScenarios) {
        let foundFailedStep = false;
        myScenarios.forEach((myScenario) => {
          if (foundFailedStep) {
          let myStep;
          if (screenshot.includes("(failed)")) {
            myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
              (step) => step.result.status === "failed"
          } else {
            myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
              (step) => step.result.status === "passed"
          if (!myStep) {
          const data = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(screenshot));
          if (data) {
            const base64Image = Buffer.from(data, "binary").toString("base64");
            if (!myStep.embeddings) {
              myStep.embeddings = [];
                data: base64Image,
                mime_type: "image/png",
              foundFailedStep = true;
        //Write JSON with screenshot back to report file.
          path.join(cucumberJsonDir, cucumberReportFileMap[feature]),
          JSON.stringify(cucumberReportMap[feature], null, jsonIndentLevel)

function generateReport() {
  if (!fs.existsSync(cucumberJsonDir)) {
    console.warn("REPORT CANNOT BE CREATED!");
  } else {
      jsonDir: cucumberJsonDir,
      reportPath: htmlReportDir,
      displayDuration: true,
      useCDN: true,
      pageTitle: "Simulacion de Credito Online",
      reportName: `Simulacion de Credito Online - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`,
      metadata: {
        app: {
          name: "Simulacion de Credito Online",
          version: "1",
        browser: {
          name: "electron",
        device: "EMULATOR",
        platform: {
          name: "linux",
      customData: {
        title: "Run info",
        data: [
          { label: "Project", value: "Simulacion de Credito" },
          { label: "Release", value: "1" },
            label: "Execution Start Time",
            value: `${new Date().toLocaleString()}`,
            label: "Execution End Time",
            value: `${new Date().toLocaleString()}`,
panraj01 commented 3 years ago

Way to go, Awesome. Happy to help and thanks for sharing it for anyone else who has to go through the challenges you've had.

redReno commented 3 years ago

@gretherMG This really helped me out. Thanks! I had to adjust it a bit to fit our folders and feature names but it wasn't too much trouble.

tongilcoto commented 3 years ago

Hi @panraj01 Thanks for your help, I modified the code a bit and it worked for me, here I leave my code in case you need another person. Greetings

Thanks a lot for both @panraj01 and @gretherMG

I just needed to update .json files but I also got the .html report seamlessly

grethermendezgomez commented 3 years ago

Now a rather interesting query, how to use a CSV file as a scenario schema data source? Have you had that experience? I've been trying to implement it for weeks.

panraj01 commented 3 years ago

I dont know what do you mean by scenario schema data source but if you want your test to look into certain data file (csv in your case) then you need to use a csv/xl reader library and then create a task that uses this 3rd party library, write it to another location that cypress can read.

I use a JSON format txt file that can be uploaded by the tester for testing a client, when the run starts, i look for that specific file if present my task copies the content to a know location in cypress fixture that i use in my test downstream.

Again, i did not understand your ask, i just gave you an example of a use case i had worked on.

Happy testing.

grethermendezgomez commented 3 years ago

Hi, @panraj01

This is what I mean where it says examples instead of burning the data, consume it directly from a json or from a csv

Scenario Outline: buy a product x and simulate its value When submitting the form filled with "", "", "" required And in section x reflected in the table the value is usd "" And in table x is reflected "" and a value ""

Examples: | prodname | subproduct | cost | interest | quota | | iphone | 12 pro | 2000 | 1.4 | 12.50 | | nokia | 1 plus | 350 | 10.2 | 25 |

greetings, hopefully we can find a solution among all ☺

grethermendezgomez commented 3 years ago


panraj01 commented 3 years ago

Ah i get it now. You dont want to keep changing the data table entries - Well, although i understand you want to read the table off of a csv and feed csv data for each run (did i get that right?) the best way i would handle this is - Not with csv, you want to test your app logic and not specific numbers.

Keep the prod name and subproduct in the table as it is. You want to test the calculation logic your front end or back end has - its the cost, interest and quota that would keep changing per your app calculation logic. To not burn the same information, i would try to keep the numbers dynamic for each run - in your step definition you can use something like faker lib, feed fresh numbers every time in your step definition (you can save them in alias as well if you want to access them any where downstream) and calculate what should show up in your UI's interest fields say for ex and assert the value in that field is per what you calculated with your alias numbers.

Not sure if it helps but this is my understanding of your issue.

grethermendezgomez commented 3 years ago

@panraj01 I finally succeeded, hehe here I leave the solution in case someone needs it, it is not the most elegant but it works. Scenario Outline: buy a product x and simulate its value When submitting the form filled with prodname, subproduct and cost required |urljson| |data/dataclient| And in section x reflected in the table the value is usd value |urljson| |data/dataclient| And in table x is reflected interest and a value quota |urljson| |data/dataclient|

Examples: |urljson | || ||

in the sequence of steps you get Given("A client accessing the credit simulation page", () => { cy.VisitUrl(500); }); When("submitting the form filled with prodname, subproduct and cost required",(dataTable) => { cy.ValuesToEnter(dataTable); });

then in the code it is called like this

Cypress.Commands.add("ValuesToEnter", (dataTable) => { dataTable.hashes().forEach(elem =>{ cy.fixture(elem.urljson).as("data"); cy.get("@data").then((valor) => { valor.forEach(element => { cy.get(Simulation.nameproduct).select(element.nameProduct); cy.get(Simulation.subproduct).select(element.subProduct); }); }); }); });

and so I can read from a json file using outline scenarios. I hope it will be of great help to others and if you have a better way of doing it, leave it here. ☺

grethermendezgomez commented 3 years ago


Dushanbe24 commented 2 years ago

Hi Guys I have some questions How I can see Start time and End time in my multiple-cucumber-html-reporter, normally I'm using Cypress, for my report multiple-cucumber-html-reporter, my end time working but the end time is not, maybe you have some suggestions. Screenshot 2022-01-13 134239 because I used your method but for me, it does not show me the Start time.

Dushanbe24 commented 2 years ago

const report = require("multiple-cucumber-html-reporter"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const args = process.argv;

const cucumberJsonDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cucumber-json"); const cucumberReportFileMap = {}; const cucumberReportMap = {}; const jsonIndentLevel = 2; const htmlReportDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/cucumber-json"); const screenshotsDir = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "cypress/screenshots"); const reportPath = "./cypress/cucumber-html-reporter/";

getCucumberReportMaps(); addScreenshots(); generateReport();

function getCucumberReportMaps() { filenames = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir); const files = fs.readdirSync(cucumberJsonDir).filter((file) => { return file.indexOf(".json") > -1; }); files.forEach((file) => { const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(cucumberJsonDir, file))); if (!json[0]) { return; } const [feature] = json[0].uri.split("/").reverse(); cucumberReportFileMap[feature] = file; cucumberReportMap[feature] = json; }); }

function addScreenshots() { if (fs.existsSync(screenshotsDir)) { //only if screenshots exists const prependPathSegment = (pathSegment) => (location) => path.join(pathSegment, location);

const readdirPreserveRelativePath = (location) =>

const readdirRecursive = (location) =>
    (result, currentValue) =>
        ? result.concat(readdirRecursive(currentValue))
        : result.concat(currentValue),

const screenshots = readdirRecursive(path.resolve(screenshotsDir)).filter(
  (file) => {
    return file.indexOf(".png") > -1;

const featuresList = Array.from(
  new Set( => x.match(/[\w-_.]+.feature/g)[0]))

featuresList.forEach((feature) => {
  screenshots.forEach((screenshot) => {
    const regex =
      /(?<=--\ ).+?((?=\ (example\ #\d+))|(?=\ (failed))|(?=.\w{3}))/g;
    const [scenarioName] = screenshot.match(regex);

    var filename = screenshot.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "");

    const featureSelected = cucumberReportMap[feature][0];

    let myScenarios = [];

    cucumberReportMap[feature][0].elements.forEach((item) => {
      let fullFileName = + " -- " +;
      if (filename.includes(fullFileName)) {

    if (!myScenarios) {
    let foundFailedStep = false;
    myScenarios.forEach((myScenario) => {
      if (foundFailedStep) {
      let myStep;
      if (screenshot.includes("(failed)")) {
        myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
          (step) => step.result.status === "failed"
      } else {
        myStep = myScenario.steps.find(
          (step) => step.result.status === "passed"
      if (!myStep) {
      const data = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(screenshot));
      if (data) {
        const base64Image = Buffer.from(data, "binary").toString("base64");
        if (!myStep.embeddings) {
          myStep.embeddings = [];
            data: base64Image,
            mime_type: "image/png",
          foundFailedStep = true;
    //Write JSON with screenshot back to report file.
      path.join(cucumberJsonDir, cucumberReportFileMap[feature]),
      JSON.stringify(cucumberReportMap[feature], null, jsonIndentLevel)

} }

function generateReport() { if (!fs.existsSync(cucumberJsonDir)) { console.warn("REPORT CANNOT BE CREATED!"); } else { // var runInfos = JSON.parse(); report.generate({ jsonDir: cucumberJsonDir, reportPath: htmlReportDir, displayDuration: true, durationInMS: true, openReportInBrowser: true, useCDN: true, pageTitle: "Customer Admin", reportName: System-Test Report - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}, metadata: { app: { name: "Simulacion de Credito Online", version: "1", }, browser: { name: "Chrome", }, device: "Cypress", platform: { name: "Windows", }, }, customData: { title: "Run info", data: [ { label: "Project", value: "Simulacion de Credito" }, { label: "Release", value: "2" }, { label: "Execution Start Time", // value: ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}, value: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), }, { label: "Execution End Time", value: new Date().toLocaleString() }, ], }, }); } }

andredesousa commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I found this plugin: To attach screenshots when tests fail for:

badeball commented 2 years ago

Due to personal reasons, the previous maintainers of this package are stepping down and handing the reigns over to me, a long-time contributor to the project and a user of it myself. This is a responsibility I'm very excited about. Furthermore, I'd like to thank @lgandecki ++ for all the work that they've done so far.

Read more about the transfer of ownership here.

The repository has however moved and all outstanding issues are being closed. This is not a reflection of the perceived importance of your reported issue. However, if after upgrading to the new version, you still find there to be an issue, feel free to open up another ticket or comment below. Please make sure to read before doing so.

AnitaBT commented 2 years ago

@Dushanbe24 solventaste el problema de la fecha final me está pasando lo mismo te gradecería tu ayuda

AnitaBT commented 2 years ago

@Dushanbe24 did you solve the problem of the final date the same thing is happening to me I would appreciate your help

amitguptagwl commented 2 years ago

@AnitaBT if you're fine to switch the framework, then probably you can try cytorus. It has some cool features along with screenshot in report.

susobhan2403 commented 2 years ago

@gretherMG The code was working fine till yesterday. But, I am getting below error in generating the report today. Please assist

cucumber-html-report.js:67 const featureSelected = cucumberReportMap[feature][0]; ^

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

badeball commented 2 years ago

Screenshots are automatically added to JSON reports using the recent versions, and much above the code above (including @gretherMG's snippet) is no longer relevant.

cg-tester commented 11 months ago

@panraj01 I want to take beautiful report in cucumber, using multiple-cucumber-html-reporter. Could you give me a good example ?