Open baden03 opened 1 year ago
Projects need to have the ability to default use weekends or not. This will control the default option when a resource is assingned.
When a resourse is assigned: Ask: Just the week, or for the length of the project Weekends as well, or only week days (default should come from project)
Projects that do not have resources planned, can be grabed and moved forward and back to find better resources
About how many resources of each category are there? Workers: 20 Vehicles: 11 Tools: 20 Up to 20 projects can be running at the same time. Only one KW is shown at a time.
Scrolling list, pagination, separated by category? Search Bar that auto-sorts the resource list?
How many resources will be assigned to a project? 10 - 20
Two separate views (drag-n-drop planning and overview) or one single view? How should expand/collapse on overview be handled - everything expanded always?
Needed to scroll 'back' in time?