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Badge Request: GitHub Container Registry #5594

Open cicirello opened 3 years ago

cicirello commented 3 years ago

:clipboard: Description

GitHub recently introduced the GitHub Container Registry (see: It would be nice if there were badges available similar to those that shields has for Docker image version, image size, and pulls, but for the new GitHub Container Registry.

:link: Data

I'm not sure if GitHub has an API for this yet.

:microphone: Motivation

Motivation is the same as that of the equivalent badges that already exist for Docker Hub, but targeting the GitHub Container Registry instead. Providing a nice concise visual summary of some of the key statistics one might be interested in with a Docker image, but for images available in the GCR.

chris48s commented 3 years ago

Given this is essentially a feature related to the package registry, I suspect this one is probably going to end up blocked on #4169 (tldr: the github tokens we have don't have the necessary scope to read package metadata) once the API endpoints are available, but we'll see..

adriens commented 2 years ago


kidager commented 2 years ago

eggplants commented 2 years ago

To get the pull counter of the image published on ghcr, you can use PackageStatistics or PackageVersionStatistics in GraphQL API (needs auth).

To get information of tags and sizes of public images on, you can use as Docker Registry HTTP API V2's endpoint like DockerHub.

Here is my example with curl:

# public image's {USER}/{IMAGE}

# get fake token ('{"token":"***"}' -> '***')
  curl "${USER_IMAGE}:pull" |
  awk -F'"' '$0=$4'

_curl(){ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "$1" }

# get tags
_curl "${USER_IMAGE}/tags/list"
# >>> {"name":"eggplants/asciiquarium-docker","tags":["0.0.0","0.0","latest"]}

# get manifest of the latest image
_curl "${USER_IMAGE}/manifests/latest"
# >>>
# {
#    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
#    "schemaVersion": 2,
#    "config": {
#       "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
#       "digest": "sha256:fb4552eacdc8e01082f87bae6a0fec6e1b61630f0a1e5a0e6a699d05ff0337fd",
#       "size": 5551
#    },
#    "layers": [
#       {
#          "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
#          "digest": "sha256:4be315f6562fccf08fd6c749557e31e45ab6d987370e20e2c4933ddb04ddd5ff",
#          "size": 27140664
#       }, ...
calebcartwright commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing @eggplants though to be clear, this is not blocked on the basics of the api request/response, but due to the associated scopes required by github, which our tokens do not have.

This is blocked on that much bigger topic detailed in

eggplants commented 2 years ago

The number of pulls seems difficult to fetch, but it would be relatively easy to get just the tags and their image sizes, which do not require authentication.

calebcartwright commented 2 years ago

The number of pulls seems difficult to fetch, but it would be relatively easy to get just the tags and their image sizes, which do not require authentication.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification! In that case think it would probably make sense at this point to extract a separate issue for version and size badges to discuss the viability of the proposed approach, and we narrow the scope of this blocked one to pulls

eggplants commented 2 years ago

I have implemented eggplants/ghcr-badge on a trial basis: latest_tag size tags

asssaf commented 2 years ago

you can also hard code the token per image:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(echo "v1:$USER_IMAGE:0" | base64)" "$USER_IMAGE/tags/list"
eggplants commented 2 years ago

@asssaf Thanks!

simonmicro commented 1 year ago

With the coming shutdown of free organizations on Docker Hub, we also plan to migrate to - what is the state of this implementation right now? I really do not want to stress this :grin: ! Take your time :heart_on_fire:

trajan0x commented 10 months ago

+1 on this

nvuillam commented 9 months ago

i'm trying with GraphQL api, and even with a Personal Access Token set in headers, I don't receive any package in the results Would anyone have a tip ? :)

Authorization: bearer XXXXXXXXX

query {
  organization(login: "oxsecurity") {
    packages(first: 100) {
        nodes {
            statistics {
    "data": {
        "organization": {
            "name": "OX Security",
            "isVerified": true,
            "packages": {
                "nodes": []
eggplants commented 9 months ago

@nvuillam It doesn't seem to work.

nvuillam commented 9 months ago

@nvuillam It doesn't seem to work. eggplants/ghcr-badge#72 (comment)

That' really sad :(

Thanks for the reply !

cicirello commented 9 months ago

@nvuillam It doesn't seem to work. eggplants/ghcr-badge#72 (comment)

That' really sad :(

Thanks for the reply !

@nvuillam try a repository query (instead of an organization query) to get the packages for the megalinter repository. It looks like all of your public packages are associated with that repository, so that might work. I didn't try this so I don't know for sure if it will work, but I think it might.

eggplants commented 7 months ago

@cicirello You can try this query from And repository.packages is also empty.

query {
  repository(owner: "oxsecurity", name: "megalinter") {
    packages(first: 1) {
      nodes {
        statistics {


Note that oxsecurity/megalinter has 165 Packages.

nvuillam commented 7 months ago

I confirm, I still did not find any way to query stats for MegaLinter packages :/

jovezhong commented 7 months ago

It's sad that the GraphQL API from GitHub doesn't work.

I ended up with a tool to parse the HTML page and list only named versions

range 1 5 page
|| open$page$ --cache false --html --hashtml|| filter "(nodeName=='LI') and attributes.class =='Box-row'" || sequence
|| html innerHTML || filter "(_html.nodeName == 'A')" ||rename _html.innerText version || startswith version '1.3.'  || html innerHTML || filter "(_html.nodeName == 'SPAN' and =='white-space:nowrap;')"||rename _html.innerText downloads || replace downloads 'Version downloads' ''||table version downloads
nvuillam commented 7 months ago

I thought to build something similar, like github-dependent-infos scraps to get the number and list of dependent repos...

But a working API would be the best, we're just looking for simple numbers :(

ipitio commented 1 month ago

I made a JSON endpoint for the total downloads that can be used to make a badge. Submit an issue if you want me to also track counts for each version/tag.

Now supports versions, including tags and size!



badpack dl

TheCaptain989 commented 1 month ago

I made a JSON endpoint for the total downloads that can be used to make a badge. Submit an issue if you want me to also track counts for each version/tag.


This is fantastic!

I would love support for tags, though. My main use case is here: To pick one tag:

Trying to mess with it now...

ipitio commented 1 month ago

@TheCaptain989 I've got version support mostly implemented!

I'm also expanding support to all package types on GitHub Packages and want to add sizes for each version to the json, but I haven't looked into whether it's possible to get the sizes via rest api/scraping/graphql.

Does anyone know how/if I could get the sizes? ghcr-badge and, at the moment, my repo cheat for containers by using their docker manifests. Cheating on the other ones would also be fine!

eggplants commented 1 month ago

@ipitio I read your current approach and you are only scraping the page source of GitHub Package directly without using docker manifests. Is it used in commits that have not yet been pushed in version support? Anyway, this may be broken in the future due to modification of the page structure.

The version and number of downloads can be obtained from the HTML source, but the size must be referenced in the docker manifest.

Based on my research for now:

GHCR Docker Registry HTTP API GitHub REST API GitHub GraphQL API Scraping Package Page
Versions o o x o
Image size o x x x
Downloads x x x o
ipitio commented 1 month ago

I've got size working using the manifest on the dev branch, where I've implemented version support too. Will merge the changes to master soon!

TheCaptain989 commented 1 month ago

@TheCaptain989 I've got version support mostly implemented!

Awesome. I got tags/versions working for my purposes:

douglasparker commented 1 month ago

I guess I’m a little confused why I am getting emails about another project within this issue. Wouldn’t it be better that you open a discussion on your own repo?

ipitio commented 1 month ago

Sorry! I've made a discussion here: