badging / event-diversity-and-inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Badging for Events
MIT License
33 stars 30 forks source link

[In-Person Event] Cloud Native Wasm Day North America #108

Closed Wendi-West closed 2 years ago

Wendi-West commented 2 years ago

In-Person Event Submission


Speaker Demographics

Attendee Demographics

Code of Conduct at Event

Diversity Access Tickets

Family Friendliness

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for applying to CHAOSS Badging.

Make sure that you have:

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Checklist for @spotz

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

> Initial checks

💡 Make sure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

> Metric based checks

>> Speaker Demographics and Inclusivity

>> Attendee Demographics and inclusivity

>> Code of Conduct at Event

>> Diversity Access tickets

>> Family Friendliness

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Checklist for @germonprez

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

> Initial checks

💡 Make sure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

> Metric based checks

>> Speaker Demographics and Inclusivity

>> Attendee Demographics and inclusivity

>> Code of Conduct at Event

>> Diversity Access tickets

>> Family Friendliness

spotz commented 2 years ago

@Nebrethar All done and did it in the right section this time:)

germonprez commented 2 years ago

@Wendi-West thanks for the submission :)

Two questions on demographics

1) Is there a post-survey form that will be used to ask attendees/speakers about their inclusive experience at the event?

2) With respect to the registration form, this is the same as my question from a different application. I see questions regarding

I don't see questions about sexual orientation as indicated in the description in this issue.

Wendi-West commented 2 years ago

@germonprez We don't currently have a post-survey form specifically regarding their inclusive experience. There are multiple surveys pre and post event about the event and experience overall. And we have a D+I Slack channel for discussions, questions and feedback. Additionally, when I saw the question about the feedback form on the application (it wasn't a question for the virtual events in May that I applied for) I asked our content team and they liked the idea and will be brining it up as something to possibly implement with future events. All speakers have direct contact with the content team and leader and reach out with questions, concerns and feedback.

As for the registration form, you're correct. I made a mistake. The sexual orientation question used to be part of the registration questions, or was part of a template that we were working on having approved and it isn't incorporated in the general registration questions right now. I'm sorry for that mistake. However, the Diversity scholarship does ask that question.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thanks!

Nebrethar commented 2 years ago

As for the KubeCon review, I am going to provide a preliminary badge here. @spotz @germonprez let me know if you need anything more for the review. Thank you!

@Wendi-West you are free anytime to accept the result or hold for further consideration. Thank you!

Nebrethar commented 2 years ago


badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Assigned badge: gold Review percentage: 92.5

Number of reviewers: 2

germonprez commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Wendi-West I really appreciate your thoughtful responses. Best of luck with the event!!

Wendi-West commented 2 years ago

You're all so delightful to work with. I greatly appreciate your time and dedication!!! And thank you for the badge, we accept!

Nebrethar commented 2 years ago

Great! You will see your badge in the main repository page shortly. Congratulations @Wendi-West on a Gold badge!

Nebrethar commented 2 years ago


badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Assigned badge: gold Markdown Badge Link:

![Assigned badge: gold](;base64,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)

HTML Badge Link:

<img src=';base64,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' alt='D&I Badging badge state: gold'/>