badging / event-diversity-and-inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Badging for Events
MIT License
34 stars 30 forks source link

[In-Person Event] PX4 Developer Summit 2022 #148

Closed RachelBraunLF closed 2 years ago

RachelBraunLF commented 2 years ago

In-Person Event Submission


Event Demographics

Inclusive Experience at Event

Code of Conduct at Event

Diversity Access Tickets

Family Friendliness

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for applying to CHAOSS Badging.

Make sure that you have:

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Checklist for @djmitche

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

Initial checks

💡 Ensure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

Metric based checks

Event Demographics

Inclusive Experience at Event

Code of Conduct at Event

Diversity Access tickets

Family Friendliness

badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Checklist for @Gemarodri

Thank you for becoming a part of this Event Badging review.

Make sure you have looked into the following documents:

In order to avoid receiving excessive notifications from this repository, set your subscription status to Not Watching.

Event Review Checklist

Initial checks

💡 Ensure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks

Metric based checks

Event Demographics

Inclusive Experience at Event

Code of Conduct at Event

Diversity Access tickets

Family Friendliness

KafayahL commented 2 years ago

@djmitche @Gemarodri Hi, Hope you are doing good. I'm just checking in to make sure you got the notification for this. Please let me know if you have any questions or notify @ElizabethN when you are done with the review. Thank you.

Gemarodri commented 2 years ago

Hi @RachelBraunLF!

Thank you for the submission. I have two questions for you:

Thank you!

RachelBraunLF commented 2 years ago

Hi @Gemarodri ,

Thanks for your review!

  1. We use the same attendee survey for our speakers. The post-event email for the event goes to all attendees (speakers, sponsors, attendees) and we solicit feedback from all our attendees using the same survey.
  2. After the scholarship application closes, we send the list of applicants to a specific review committee, often time it is the same review committee that reviews the CFP, though sometimes it is a different committee (this is determined by the project.) The number of applicants who receive a scholarship is determined by funds set aside within the event budget, and also the quantity of diversity scholarship sponsorships sold. [See sponsorship prospectus: (]
djmitche commented 2 years ago

I apologize for being tardy in reviewing this. Hello again @RachelBraunLF -- you are certainly busy!

This looks fantastic, in general. The D&I page has all the info I'd be looking for as an attendee right in one place, and I'm thrilled to see nursing rooms, child care, and communication/interaction levels.

I left two boxes unticked;

Aside from that, @ElizabethN I think we're ready?

ElizabethN commented 2 years ago

@Gemarodri I updated your checklist to reflect the feedback from @RachelBraunLF. 👍 @djmitche I believe the LF Events Team provides access to all slides from speakers of past events, so I think that's enough to check the box. They may not be able to provide access to previous recordings for various reasons. I went ahead and checked that box on your checklist as well - hope that's ok? If not we can re-run the badge.

Also - thank you both for completing your review! 🥳 :pray:

ElizabethN commented 2 years ago


badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Assigned badge: gold Review percentage: 97

Number of reviewers: 2

ElizabethN commented 2 years ago

@RachelBraunLF is this badge acceptable to you?

djmitche commented 2 years ago

Ticking boxes on my behalf is fine -- thanks! I'll [try to] remember that next time.

RachelBraunLF commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ElizabethN - I accept the badge! And to address @djmitche question about recording, we try to make recordings available whenever possible, pre-COVID it was often just keynotes and all slide decks from presenters, but with the new virtual/hybrid world, we are often able to share recordings from more sessions.

ElizabethN commented 2 years ago

@RachelBraunLF awesome! And thanks for adding that extra bit of context. It's super helpful! Generating the badge now, but of course, let us know if there are any follow up questions. Best of luck with the event! :tada: 🥳

ElizabethN commented 2 years ago


badging-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Assigned badge: gold Markdown Badge Link:

![Assigned badge: gold](;base64,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)

HTML Badge Link:

<img src=';base64,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' alt='D&I Badging badge state: gold'/>