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Chore: Open draft PR for Event Badge — Aastha Bist #7

Open germonprez opened 4 years ago

germonprez commented 4 years ago

Go through the README to determine how to apply for an event badge at ​ The goal is to open a “draft” Pull Request against master following the outlined process — feel free to creatively mock it like it is for a real event.

It helps to keep track of the steps you took in a secret gist, just the over all, nothing to detailed which can be found in the draft PR.

Place a link to this secret gist in a comment below. Please feel free to also keep notes on inconsistencies or things you felt could be improved — constructive feedback is a vital component of open collaboration.

Once you are done with the PR, place a link to to it in a comment below.

Note We will not yet review or merge PRs, we will discuss the task here and close the issue afterwards.

bistaastha commented 4 years ago

Hi @germonprez . I made a PR to event-diversity-and-inclusion and here's the link:

I recorded the steps here:

Thanks for your help!

bistaastha commented 4 years ago

Hi @germonprez . I made a PR to event-diversity-and-inclusion and here's the link: badging/event-diversity-and-inclusion#1

I recorded the steps here:

Thanks for your help!

Here are a few thoughts I had about improving this process:

germonprez commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this @bistaastha