badicsalex / ar-drivers-rs

Opensource Rust driver for various AR glasses
MIT License
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Nreal Light Demo update procedure. #20

Closed xromansx closed 1 month ago

xromansx commented 1 month ago

Hi, I would like to test it on my nreal light glasses but I found in one of the docs that it is demo version and for upgrade it uses protocolYmodem Maybe someone knows if it' possible to flash normal version to them I'll attach upgrade js file. It would be nice if someone can give me a clue what can be done to upgrade them. Thank you.

`// light demo upgrade const HEAD = 0x02; let pn = 1; // PN

export const NREAL_VENDOR_ID = 0x0483; export const BOOT_PRODUCT_ID = 0x5740;

export const MESSAGES = { W_CANCEL_ACTIVATION: 0x19, R_MCU_APP_FW_VERSION: 0x35,//MCU APP FW version. R_ACTIVATION_TIME: 0x66,//Read activation time W_ACTIVATION_TIME: 0x2A,//Write activation time

W_UPDATE_MCU_APP_FW_PREPARE: 0x3E,//Preparations for mcu app fw upgrade
W_UPDATE_MCU_APP_FW_START: 0x39,    //(Implemented in APP A)
W_UPDATE_MCU_APP_FW_TRANSMIT: 0x40, //(Implemented in APP A)
W_UPDATE_MCU_APP_FW_FINISH: 0x41,   //(Implemented in APP A)
W_BOOT_JUMP_TO_APP: 0x42,   //(Implemented in APP A)
W_MCU_APP_JUMP_TO_BOOT: 0x38,   //Jump into APP A




const crc16_table = [ 0, 4129, 8258, 12387, 16516, 20645, 24774, 28903, 33032, 37161, 41290, 45419, 49548, 53677, 57806, 61935, 4657, 528, 12915, 8786, 21173, 17044, 29431, 25302, 37689, 33560, 45947, 41818, 54205, 50076, 62463, 58334, 9314, 13379, 1056, 5121, 25830, 29895, 17572, 21637, 42346, 46411, 34088, 38153, 58862, 62927, 50604, 54669, 13907, 9842, 5649, 1584, 30423, 26358, 22165, 18100, 46939, 42874, 38681, 34616, 63455, 59390, 55197, 51132, 18628, 22757, 26758, 30887, 2112, 6241, 10242, 14371, 51660, 55789, 59790, 63919, 35144, 39273, 43274, 47403, 23285, 19156, 31415, 27286, 6769, 2640, 14899, 10770, 56317, 52188, 64447, 60318, 39801, 35672, 47931, 43802, 27814, 31879, 19684, 23749, 11298, 15363, 3168, 7233, 60846, 64911, 52716, 56781, 44330, 48395, 36200, 40265, 32407, 28342, 24277, 20212, 15891, 11826, 7761, 3696, 65439, 61374, 57309, 53244, 48923, 44858, 40793, 36728, 37256, 33193, 45514, 41451, 53516, 49453, 61774, 57711, 4224, 161, 12482, 8419, 20484, 16421, 28742, 24679, 33721, 37784, 41979, 46042, 49981, 54044, 58239, 62302, 689, 4752, 8947, 13010, 16949, 21012, 25207, 29270, 46570, 42443, 38312, 34185, 62830, 58703, 54572, 50445, 13538, 9411, 5280, 1153, 29798, 25671, 21540, 17413, 42971, 47098, 34713, 38840, 59231, 63358, 50973, 55100, 9939, 14066, 1681, 5808, 26199, 30326, 17941, 22068, 55628, 51565, 63758, 59695, 39368, 35305, 47498, 43435, 22596, 18533, 30726, 26663, 6336, 2273, 14466, 10403, 52093, 56156, 60223, 64286, 35833, 39896, 43963, 48026, 19061, 23124, 27191, 31254, 2801, 6864, 10931, 14994, 64814, 60687, 56684, 52557, 48554, 44427, 40424, 36297, 31782, 27655, 23652, 19525, 15522, 11395, 7392, 3265, 61215, 65342, 53085, 57212, 44955, 49082, 36825, 40952, 28183, 32310, 20053, 24180, 11923, 16050, 3793, 7920 ];

function cmd_crc(buf, len) { let CRC16_data = 0x0000; for (let i = 0; i != len; ++i) { let t = (CRC16_data >> 8) ^ (buf[i] & 0xFF); CRC16_data = (CRC16_data << 8) ^ crc16_table[t]; CRC16_data = '0x' + CRC16_data.toString(16).substring(CRC16_data.toString(16).length - 4) Hex2Decimal(CRC16_data) }

return CRC16_data;


export function cmd_build(payload) { let num = 0; let crc = 0; let buff = new Uint8Array(1029); buff[num++] = HEAD; /head/

if (pn > 255) {
    pn = 0
buff[num++] = Decimal2Hex(pn);      /*pn*/
buff[num++] = Decimal2Hex((~pn) >>> 0);    /*xpn*/
// buff[num++] = 0x01       /*pn*/
// buff[num++] = 0xFE    /*xpn*/

if (payload != null && payload.byteLength > 0) {
    for (let i = 0; i < payload.byteLength; i++) {
        buff[num++] = payload[i]    /*data*/
} else {
    buff[num++] = 0x33;             /* tmp data */

crc = cmd_crc(buff.slice(3, 3 + payload.length), payload.length);
buff[num++] = (crc >> 8) & 0xff;
buff[num++] = (crc >> 0) & 0xff;

return buff;


export function cmd_build_EOT() { let num = 0; let buff = new Uint8Array(133);

buff[num++] = 0x04
buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0xFF
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
    buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0x00

return buff


export function cmd_build_SOH() { let num = 0; let buff = new Uint8Array(133);

buff[num++] = 0x01
buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0xFF
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
    buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0x00
buff[num++] = 0x00

return buff


export function bytes2Time(bytes) { let time = 0; for (let i = bytes.byteLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { time += bytes[i] << (i * 8); } return time; };

// Formats an 8-bit integer |value| in hexadecimal with leading zeros. export function hex8(value) { return ('0x' + value.toString(16)).substring(-2).toUpperCase(); };

// Conversion from decimal to hexadecimal function Decimal2Hex(value) { if (value.toString(16).length == 1) { return ('0x0' + value.toString(16)) } else { return ('0x' + value.toString(16)) } }

// Conversion from hexadecimal to decimal function Hex2Decimal(value) { return eval(value).toString(10) }

// ASCII character to hexadecimal function Asc2Hex(value) { return ('0x' + value.charCodeAt().toString(16)); }

export function bytes2String(buffer) { let bufferString = ''; for (let byte of buffer) bufferString += ' ' + hex8(byte); return bufferString; } `

xromansx commented 1 month ago

Also do your Light glasses detec as Serial Port because mine has Serial Port interface not HID

badicsalex commented 1 month ago

I have only ever seen it come up as a serial port after a failed firmware upgrade, or when explicitly put into that mode during boot by pressing a button while plugging it in.

Otherwise I have never implemented a firmware upgrade in rust, and I'm not use any of the JS versions out there actually work.

Also I think that's kind of out of the scope of this project, especially for the long-deprecated Nreal Light.

xromansx commented 4 weeks ago

Can you please give some hints how to upgrade them, I think cause it is demo version they didn't implement hid protocol back then. I still would like to use them but in current state is is imposible. how did you upgrade yours and do you have some FW available ?