badlydrawnrob / print-first-css

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Simplify, mofo! #16

Open badlydrawnrob opened 5 years ago

badlydrawnrob commented 5 years ago

UPDATE 2023: Why should I give a fuck?

e.g: 4 days worth of work and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface:

  • Installing the software required
  • Refactoring code and minor updates to files
  • Copious amounts of Google searches and document reading
  • Issues, issues and more issues (documentation)
  • Note taking and abstract thinking about problems
  • And on, and on, and on, ...

... Little wonder Computer Science drop-out rates seem to top the charts!

CSS it too damn slow (to create)

It takes forever just to get a simple CodePen working, unless the css is super simple. Anything with a butt-load of html starts to get more time consuming — especially if you're trying to reason about and override someone else's code (like Pandoc's Skylighting)

It's quite infuriating. 💩


Currently the only repos including print-first-css is Anki themes which, I don't think is sticking to the baseline grid; and Print First CV

Why should I give a fuck? That's a great question to ask yourself whenever you consider working on a new feature/update. The file system is a bit nebulous and I'm beginning to wonder if humans really want to print out a webpage anyway. Do I really need to create a CV page created in code? Does it really need to be designed? Does anybody actually give a shit about this repo?

No, no, and probably no.

On Design Systems

A general rule is Reduce, Reduce, reduce!!! (succinct and distilled)

On Writing Styleguides

Some other considerations:

badlydrawnrob commented 5 years ago

I need to consider which "box" this repo fits in; which purpose it solves.

You'd need Markdown styleguides, as well as .less or .css files

The default print-first-css ...

Potential child themes ...