badlydrawnrob / print-first-css

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Stylus is back in fashion? #37

Closed badlydrawnrob closed 10 months ago

badlydrawnrob commented 10 months ago

I'm pretty sure I'm only using --css-variables and simple @includes with Less CSS now, as I made a bunch of changes after scrapping Stylus. This is stated in #19.

It's good to note that Stylus is back in vogue, and actively maintained now. One of the main appeals of the language was it's similarity to Python notation.

Alas, my general feeling now is that CSS is hard enough, without added complexity of preprocessor trickery. The features of Stylus, Sass, Less, or others can be a nice touch, but too much of a ballache to reason about when files and folders expand.

Keep it simple, stupid and don't make me think!

badlydrawnrob commented 10 months ago

I'm sticking to keeping things as vanilla and simple as possible. Less, Sass and Stylus functions just add more complexity.