badoo / MVIKotlin

Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel), inspired by Badoo MVICore library
Apache License 2.0
822 stars 66 forks source link

"Used by" list #144

Open arkivanov opened 3 years ago

arkivanov commented 3 years ago

It would be good to have a list of companies/users/projects where MVIKotlin is used. I sugest to stick to the following format, but feel free to ommit/add/modify any details:

Project name: [project name] Project type: production/pet/sample Company name: personal/[company name] Supported targets: android, jvm, js, iosX64, iosArm64, macosX64, linuxX64 Sources link (if open source): [link]

maxtox3 commented 3 years ago

Project name: FAnTom (Find anomalies in Tomography) Link: Project type: production Company name: Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow, Supported targets: jvm, js

AlexeyKorshun commented 3 years ago

Project name: Afisha Project type: pet Company name: personal Supported targets: android, iosX64, iosArm64

PokerAsh commented 3 years ago

Project name: NewsMvi Project type: pet/sandbox Company name: personal Supported targets: android, iosX64, iosArm64

P.S. Just couple of words about this project. Building fully integrated Kotlin Multiplatform project using newsapi, in order to see all the power of this library. Also, trying to see all edge cases, before start integrating it into production project. Other than that, I would like to share it to people so that they can get to know about it, tutorial like.

arkivanov commented 3 years ago

Project name: JetBrains Compose sample TodoApp Project type: sample Supported targets: android, jvm (Desktop) Sources link: GitHub

Skeptick commented 3 years ago

Project name: TelePay Project type: production Company name: NCO "Premium" (LLC) Supported targets: android, iosX64, iosArm64

We had two separate applications for iOS and Android with an absolutely unsupported codebase, so when a task arose to rewrite them, Kotlin/Multiplatform was chosen. MviKotlin made it possible to bring all presentation logic into a common layer, and only the UI remained in the platform parts. You can find app in both stores (do not look at the rating, this is the legacy of the old bugged versions 😒).

Shabinder commented 3 years ago

Project name: SpotiFlyer Project type: Personal/Hobby Project Supported targets: Android, Web(JS), Desktop(MacOS,Linux,Windows) Sources link:

falcon4ever commented 3 years ago

Project name: MVIKotlin Decompose KMM Sample Description: A KMM project showcasing Decompose, MVIKotlin and Ktor to fetch random quotes Project type: Demo Company name: Personal/Hobby Project Supported targets: Android/Jetpack Compose & iOS/SwiftUI Sources link:

t1r commented 3 years ago

Project name: PUMP Project type: production Company name: "PUMP" LLC Supported targets: android Company web-page:

PavelSidyakin commented 3 years ago

Project name: Mylivn Android application Project type: production Company name: Mylivn GmbH Supported targets: android

ultraon commented 2 years ago

Project name: PlutoTV Android client Project type: production Company name: PlutoTV Supported targets: android Company web-page: