bafolts / plantcode

Provides a javascript utility to generate code in various languages given a plantuml class diagram.
MIT License
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Cannot find module './Aggregation' #27

Open aoreinoso opened 3 years ago

aoreinoso commented 3 years ago


Ciudad "1" o-- "many" Direccion Ciudadano "1" *-- "many" Direccion


Error: Cannot find module './Aggregation' Require stack:

sweethuman commented 3 years ago

I am also having this issue

bafolts commented 3 years ago

What is the command run when this is seen?

sweethuman commented 3 years ago

plantcode -l csharp class.puml on this file


class User{
+ String name
+ String email
+ String password
# Boolean paymentMade

class Author{
+ String affiliation
+ String webpage

class Listener{

class PCMember{
+ String affiliation
+ String webpage
# Proposal[] assignedProposals

class CommitteeUser{}

class Chairman{}

class Proposal{
+ String name
+ String[] keywords
+ String[] topics
+ Author[] authors
+ Abstract abstract
+ Paper paper
+ ProposalOpinion[] opinions
+ ProposalReview[] reviews

class Abstract{
+ String description

class Paper{
+ byteStream bytes

class Section{
+ String name
+ string room
+ PCMember sessionChair
+ Listener[] listeners
+ Proposal[] proposals
+ Event[] program

class Event{
+ Paper paper
+ Author speaker
+ Date date

class Conference{
+ String name
+ String description
+ Chairman chair
+ CommitteeUser[] coChairs
+ PCMember[] programCommittee
+ Date startDate
+ Date proposalDeadline
+ Date biddingDeadline
+ Date reviewDeadline
+ Date resultDeadline
+ Date improveDeadline
+ Date endDate
+ Section[] sections

class ProposalOpinion{
+ Proposal proposal
+ PCMember user
+ BidState bid

class ProposalReview {
+ Proposal proposal
+ PCMember user
+ ReviewState review

User <|-- Listener
User <|-- PCMember
User <|-- Author

PCMember <|-- Chairman
PCMember <|-- CommitteeUser

Proposal *-- Abstract : 1
Proposal *-- Paper : 0..1
Proposal o-- Author : 1..*
Proposal *-- ProposalOpinion: 0..*
Proposal *-- ProposalReview: 0..*

Conference *-- Chairman: 1
Conference *-- CommitteeUser: 0..*
Conference *-- PCMember: 0..*
Conference o-- Section : 1..*

Section o-- PCMember : 1
Section o-- Proposal : 1..*
Section *-- Event : 1..*

Event -- Author
Event -- Paper

ProposalOpinion -- BidState
'ProposalOpinion o-- Proposal : 1
'ProposalOpinion o-- PCMember : 1

ProposalReview -- ReviewState