bagetter / BaGetter

A lightweight NuGet and symbol server
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Add and Endpoint option to be able to set ServiceURL #132

Closed ferarias closed 2 months ago

ferarias commented 2 months ago

To be able to use S3 buckets not in AWS, for example Linode, allow the option to set the Service URL in settings.

Example appsettings to configure:

  "Storage": {
    "Type": "AwsS3",
    "Endpoint": "",
    "Bucket": "testbucket",
    "AccessKey": "***",
    "SecretKey": "***"


  "Storage": {
    "Type": "AwsS3",
    "Region": "eu-central-1",
    "Bucket": "testbucket",
    "AccessKey": "***",
    "SecretKey": "***"

RegionEndpoint and ServiceUrl are mutually exclusive