baggepinnen / ControlSystemIdentification.jl

System Identification toolbox, compatible with ControlSystems.jl
MIT License
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Custom (nonlinear) regressors for ARX #66

Open jankap opened 3 years ago

jankap commented 3 years ago

First, big thank you. This package reads like a 1:1 implementation of ML ident TB, absolutely awesome.

However, I wonder if it's possible to customize the regressors for the ARX models to get some fancy models :) e.g. I've had some good success with polynomial regressor Sets with cross terms via nlarx in ml.

If not, what would you need to get it implemented?


baggepinnen commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your kind words :) We do not have any built in support for nonlinear ARX models. There are a few alternatives available

Below is a simple example making use of BasisFunctionExpansions that expands both inputs and outputs in two separate bases to perform estimation of a Hammerstein-Wiener model, using Optim and automatic differentiation to optimize the parameters.

using Optim, BasisFunctionExpansions, ControlSystemIdentification
dn = iddata(y, ......................)
na,nb,nl = 10,6,6
bfe = UniformRBFE(dn.y, nl)
bfeu = UniformRBFE(dn.u, nl)

y, A = ControlSystemIdentification.getARXregressor(dn.y, dn.u, na, nb)
forward = function (p)
    bfa = BasisFunctionApproximation(bfe, p[2na+nb.+(1:nl)])
    bfau = BasisFunctionApproximation(bfeu, p[2na+nb+nl.+(1:nl)])
    ynl = bfa(dn.y)
    unl = bfa(dn.u)
    _, A_nl = ControlSystemIdentification.getARXregressor(ynl, unl, na, nb)
    yhl = [A A_nl] * p[1:2na+2nb]
costfun = p->√(mean((y .- forward(p)).^2))

p0 = [A\y; 0.1randn(na + nb + 2nl)]
res = Optim.optimize(
        show_trace = true,
        show_every = 1,
        iterations = 5000,
        time_limit = 50,
        g_tol = 1e-8,

yarx = A*(A\y)
yhl = forward(res.minimizer)
    plot([y yarx yhl], lab=["y" "y_{arx}" "y_{lpv]"], linewidth=[2 1 1]),
    plot(y-yhl, ylims=(-0.2, 0.2))
baggepinnen commented 1 year ago

I just merged some new functionality that allows for estimation of Hammerstein-Wiener models, it's not identical to NARX, but should hopefully cover at least some situations