bagit-profiles / bagit-profiles-specification
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Create permalink for this specification #41

Open stain opened 1 year ago

stain commented 1 year ago feels a bit fragile as a permalink, particularly as it has in the URI, we're subject to GitHub's current free offering of GitHub Pages (they have changed this domain name already once).

For instance in RO-Crate profiles I want to say that a referenced bag follows a given profile. I can make a w3id persistent identifier for my BagIt profile, but not for the profile spec itself.

   "@id": "",
   "@type": "WebPage",
   "name":  "BagIt profile for RO-Crate in ZIP",
   "encodingFormat": "application/json", 
   "conformsTo":  {"@id": ""}

It would also be good to reference a particular version of this specification - now the link for the current version is not included, only the previous versions -- any reason why 1.4.0 is not listed? Is it in a kind of "1.4-DRAFT" state now and subject to change?

Shall we register a permalink? Happy to help with setting up the redirects. Proposal:

Other persistent identifier providers include managed by -- Note w3id is not run by W3C but by a (very responsive) community group.

ruebot commented 1 year ago

Is it in a kind of "1.4-DRAFT" state now and subject to change.

Yes. We talked about this a bit in and #36 . I'd say what is up now is 1.4.0-DRAFT and subject to change. @jscancella @tdilauro do y'all agree with that sentiment?

w/r/t to stable urls, this whole project started out of a hackfest discussion about 10 years ago now and has been pretty loose or non-rigid. It has lived a Markdown README, and a few years ago I moved it over to ReSpec. So, this is all to say I'm happy to keep letting this thing evolve into something more standardized, and stable. If you're willing to do the legwork to get things setup on, that'd be really awesome and I'd appreciate it.