bagmk / Quantum_Machine_Learning_Express

This project is one of the Qiskit mentorship programs to replicate two papers arXiv:1905.10876 and arXiv:2003.09887 using the Qiskit environment. We evaluate the parameterized quantum circuit, reproduce the expressibility and entangling capability of the 19 circuits, and the classification accuracy.
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Presentation Plan (03-24-21) #4

Open bagmk opened 3 years ago

bagmk commented 3 years ago

This is a possible topic we can discuss during the mid-report for the mentorship program. I will start to add possible figures here.

Travis-S-IBM commented 3 years ago

From 2021/03/26 meeting b/t @Travis-S-IBM and @bagmk. Discussed slide organization

Slide 1: Motivation/background "This project is a replication study of 2 papers on quantum circuits and machine learning". Benefits to me: learn more about quantum circuits and near-term quantum machine learning Benefit to community: show this work can be replicated using Qiskit only Pictures from Tom's paper and Hannah's paper

Slide 2: Our work "We have replicated results on circuit expressibility, and are making progress in replicating the machine learning work."

Slide 3: Next steps "We will finish the replication -- including using classical neural networks -- and run the experiments on hardware."