bagustris / Apsipa2019_SpeechText

Repository for code and paper submitted for APSIPA 2019, Lanzhou, China
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TypeError: label_binarize() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given #11

Open raniaahmed123 opened 1 year ago

raniaahmed123 commented 1 year ago

hi i have this error when i ran speech_emo.ipynb i couldn't solve this issue. please help thanks

for ses_mod in data2: Y.append(ses_mod['emotion']) Y = label_binarize( Y,emotions_used) Y.shape

TypeError: label_binarize() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

bagustris commented 1 year ago

Hi @raniaahmed123 ,

First, check your data_collected.pickle, generated by Make sure it is not empty.

Did you change the following line to the location of your IEMOCAP dataset?

If you did not change it to your path, it will create empty pickle file.

raniaahmed123 commented 1 year ago

yes i changed the path , the file data_collected.pickle, is generated empty when this line is executed

with open(data_path + '/./'+'data_collected2.pickle', 'w') as handle:

but when i changed that line to the following ,it is generated correctly with open(data_path + '/./'+'data_collected2.pickle', 'wb') as handle:

note: i replaced "w" with "wb"

noadore commented 1 year ago

How did you end up solving this problem, I also ran into this problem.thank you.