bahanonu / ciatah

CIAtah (pronounced cheetah): a software package for calcium imaging analysis of one- and two-photon imaging datasets. Documentation: Formerly known as calciumImagingAnalysis (ciapkg).
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Using the cell extraction output when extracting cells with cnmf-e #62

Open luciedescamps opened 3 years ago

luciedescamps commented 3 years ago

Hi Biafra,

Some people in the lab are getting started with new imaging projects and have been using the calciumImagingAnalysis package with great success to preprocess movies and extract cells. They've been using cnmf-e and I am a bit unsure about what should be used from the cnmfeAnalysisOutput file for further data analysis. For example when I extract cells from movies for my project with Extract, I then use extractAnalysisOutput.traces. But cnmfeAnalysisOutput has extractedSignals, extractedSignalsEst, and extractedPeaks.

What is exactly the difference between these 3, and do you have any advice on what is best to use when one wants to plot rate maps for example?

Thanks! Lucie

bahanonu commented 3 years ago

@lalde Great to hear CIAtah is working out for you-all! Let me know if there's anything they'd like improved or features added.

For CNMF-e, I normally use either extractedSignals or extractedSignalsEst combined with ciatah's computeSignalPeaks function to detect the location of transients when I use those instead of the inferred dF/F. See below figure.


Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

luciedescamps commented 3 years ago

Awesome - thanks a lot for the clarifications! Will let you know if any follow-up questions arise.
