bahim22 / rxt-portfo-3

Custom React App: Webpack, Babel, EsLint, and Prettier configs updated from my react template. Styled with Tailwind Css, Bootstrap and more!
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Final Issues for latest version of personal portfolio #9

Open bahim22 opened 2 years ago

bahim22 commented 2 years ago

Final To-Do List for dev and prod branch

Info from previous issues

7 Chrome dev tools feedback

8 Fixes for dev branch

Additional Info for rxt-ecrive and react-boiler repos

React Template/Boilerplate Repo React Business Landing Page

ToDo List for optimization and finishing touches

Form Addition + Options

  1. [x] Microsoft 365 and Google review Forms (add in addition to below options
  2. [x] Formik/Formspree
  3. [ ] Nodemailer with Express Backend
bahim22 commented 2 years ago


bahim22 commented 1 year ago

Remaining and New to-do

6 tasks left from pre Tech job

  • finish refactor for evrivé and react boiler
  • Update GCP ref, and footer
bahim22 commented 1 year ago

Project was successfully deployed with 90+ lighthouse scoring and planned functionality. Stopped working on it due to new job and learning other skills. Will begin adjustments and make changes to the other 2 react projects and 2 nextJS projects.