bahmutov / cypress-split

Split Cypress specs across parallel CI machines for speed
MIT License
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Reproduction and potential solution for issue: "cypress-split always uses average duration" #267 #268

Open KleaTech opened 2 months ago

KleaTech commented 2 months ago

To reproduce the issue described in #267 :

  1. Run npm run timings-alternative-config to generate split file
  2. Run npm run timings-alternative-config again to see the durations
  3. Observe that all durations are equal (average) image

To see the fix in action:

  1. Run rm test/alternative-config-timings.json to remove the timings file, you need to generate it again
  2. Run SPLIT_FIX=true npm run timings-alternative-config to generate split file using the fix
  3. Run SPLIT_FIX=true npm run timings-alternative-config again to see the durations
  4. Observe that durations are correct image