bahmutov / javascript-journey

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Add GLSL Example #19

Open blghns opened 9 months ago

blghns commented 9 months ago

Add missing GLSL example

// in shader

uniform vec4 a_vec4 = vec4(1, 2, 3, 4);
uniform vec4 b_vec4 = a * 2.0;

// in JavaScript at init time

var someVec2Loc = gl.getUniformLocation(someProgram, "b_vec4");
bahmutov commented 9 months ago

hehe, that is pretty nifty. Can you write the full code as a pull request, so I can include it?

blghns commented 9 months ago

Will do, not an expert in shaders so this will take some time to implement 😄

blghns commented 9 months ago

Also will try to add WebGPU Example

blghns commented 9 months ago

Here is an example fiddle I created for the glsl I'll create a PR Soon