Open geoidesic opened 10 years ago
hi, any more details on this bug? does grunt
by itself run fine?
Hi. Yes, grunt runs fine on it's own from the command line.
I think what I'm trying to do may be impossible though. I was hoping to get grunt to run uglify on js files that were committed but thinking about it it's probably not possible to automatically add the uglified files to the commit using a pre-commit hook?
yeah, I think git pre-commit hook can modify files, but the git will add only files that were staged BEFORE the hook starts.
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree commit -q -F /var/folders/hp/0cj2csyn2fj6gmlw_t3skynr0000gn/T/SourceTreeTemp.wiV3x9 executing task "grunt"
pre-commit: You've failed to pass all the hooks. pre-commit: pre-commit: The "grunt" script failed. pre-commit: pre-commit: You can skip the git pre-commit hook by running: pre-commit: pre-commit: git commit -n (--no-verify) pre-commit: pre-commit: But this is not adviced as your tests are obviously failing.
Completed with errors, see above