Closed christinesu12 closed 4 years ago
@christinesu12 你好,用的不是基于xml来生产mask.tif的,是用的以前官方提供的test.tif,但是现在似乎被删除了。
您好,請問有那邊可以下載之前官方提供的tif 或者能夠提供你們測試的test set或是mask嗎? 希望可以驗證是否能夠以你們的方式做出一樣的結果,非常感謝您的回覆
@christinesu12 可以留一下你的email吗?我之前保留两个test_026.tif可以email给你测试一下
你好 我使用ASAP查看了一下XML文件 有的标注group是以tumor为组名 而不仅仅是“_0”,"_1"和“_2”,但是似乎正确生成的mask.tif 也无法正确计算FROC。 那个请问哪可以下载官方提供的tif吗,我也想测试一下
@lvguofeng1303 你好,我之前用的是官方提供的test.tif,不是用ASAP转XML生成的,但是后来似乎官方把这个test.tif给删除了。
@yil8 你好,我通过ASAP查看了一下全部test的XML文件,似乎使用这一组代码可以正确的生成mask.tif: `def process(file): reader = mir.MultiResolutionImageReader()
file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
path1 = os.path.join("/staff/lvguofeng/Camelyon16_dataset/testing/images", file_name+".tif")
path2 = os.path.join("/staff/lvguofeng/Camelyon16_dataset/testing/test_xml", file_name+".xml")
mr_image =
annotation_list = mir.AnnotationList()
xml_repository = mir.XmlRepository(annotation_list)
camelyon17_type_mask = False
label_map = {'metastases': 1, 'normal': 2} if camelyon17_type_mask else {'_0': 255, '_1': 255, '_2': 0, 'Tumor': 255, 'Exclusion': 0}
conversion_order = ['metastases', 'normal'] if camelyon17_type_mask else ['_0', '_1', '_2', 'Tumor', 'Exclusion']
output_path= os.path.join("./tumor_mask/test/", file_name+"_mask.tif")
annotation_mask.convert(annotation_list, output_path, mr_image.getDimensions(),
mr_image.getSpacing(), label_map, conversion_order)
global lock
global count
with lock:
count.value += 1
print("-------------- Done {}, name is {}".format(count, file_name))`
Avg FP = 0.25 Sensitivity = 0.1963470319634703 Avg FP = 0.5 Sensitivity = 0.2207001522070015 Avg FP = 1 Sensitivity = 0.2968036529680365 Avg FP = 2 Sensitivity = 0.3926940639269406 Avg FP = 4 Sensitivity = 0.547945205479452 Avg FP = 8 Sensitivity = 0.7442922374429224 Avg Sensivity = 0.3997970573313039
ps. 这个是我利用你的代码跑出来的test_026的结果,应该训练好的模型和你的结果没多大区别
@lvguofeng1303 我没有做nms之外的后处理,所有的流程都记录在README里面了哈
It is possible to use official XML files to generate masks and then evaluate. My code for the conversion is:
reader = mir.MultiResolutionImageReader()
mr_image =
assert mr_image is not None
annotation_list = mir.AnnotationList()
xml_repository = mir.XmlRepository(annotation_list)
annotation_mask = mir.AnnotationToMask()
camelyon17_type_mask = False
label_map = {'metastases': 255, 'normal': 0} if camelyon17_type_mask else {'_0': 255, '_1': 255, 'Tumor':255, '_2': 0, 'None':0,'Exclusion':0}
conversion_order = ['metastases', 'normal'] if camelyon17_type_mask else ['_0', '_1', 'Tumor','_2','None','Exclusion']
annotation_mask.convert(annotation_list, output_path, mr_image.getDimensions(), mr_image.getSpacing(), label_map, conversion_order)
Please note that
I have converted the tumor region pixel value to 255 since it is expected in the evaluation script
def computeEvaluationMask(maskDIR, resolution, level):
"""Computes the evaluation mask.
maskDIR: the directory of the ground truth mask
resolution: Pixel resolution of the image at level 0
level: The level at which the evaluation mask is made
distance = nd.distance_transform_edt(255 - pixelarray[:,:,0]) # lizx: reverse those masks, note the 255 assumption!!
Threshold = 75/(resolution * pow(2, level) * 2) # 75µm is the equivalent size of 5 tumor cells # lizx: keep the margin within 5 tumor cells positive
binary = distance < Threshold
filled_image = nd.morphology.binary_fill_holes(binary) # lizx: this is the mask for this level
evaluation_mask = measure.label(filled_image, connectivity = 2) # lizx: get connected components
return evaluation_mask
. Please be patient and wait for it to finish. Otherwise, all the model's predictions on this slide will be regarded as false positives. And this will seriously affect the score.test_114
. You should exclude it when evaluating the model. Otherwise, all of the model's correct predictions will be incorrectly treated as false positives.
My final result looks like this:
Avg FP = 0.25
Sensitivity = 0.6814159292035398
Avg FP = 0.5
Sensitivity = 0.7433628318584071
Avg FP = 1
Sensitivity = 0.7920353982300885
Avg FP = 2
Sensitivity = 0.8407079646017699
Avg FP = 4
Sensitivity = 0.8761061946902655
Avg FP = 8
Sensitivity = 0.9026548672566371
Avg Sensivity = 0.806047197640118
@lzx325 WOW, that's pretty cool. Do you mind make a pull request to add this part to README?
每個xml所產生的mask.tif經過computeEvaluationMask皆只有返回一個腫瘤 ex . test_004.xml具有3個腫瘤註釋,但是生成的mask tif文件返回1個腫瘤 xml to tif reader = mir.MultiResolutionImageReader() mr_image ='../images/test_021.tif') annotation_list = mir.AnnotationList() xml_repository = mir.XmlRepository(annotation_list) xml_repository.setSource('test_021.xml') xml_repository.load() annotation_mask = mir.AnnotationToMask() camelyon17_type_mask = False label_map = {'metastases': 1, 'normal': 2} if camelyon17_type_mask else {'_0': 1, '_1': 1, '_2': 0} conversion_order = ['metastases', 'normal'] if camelyon17_type_mask else ['_0', '_1', '_2'] output_path = "test_021_mask.tif" annotation_mask.convert(annotation_list, output_path, mr_image.getDimensions(), mr_image.getSpacing(), label_map, conversion_order)
evaluation mask def computeEvaluationMask(maskDIR, resolution, level): """Computes the evaluation mask.