baidu / Jprotobuf-rpc-socket

Protobuf RPC是一种基于TCP协议的二进制RPC通信协议的Java实现
Apache License 2.0
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inconsistent protobuf structure definition between rpcRequestMeta and brpc protobuf #92

Open kevincai opened 1 year ago

kevincai commented 1 year ago

    /** 分布式追踪 Parent Span ID. */
    @Protobuf(order = 6)
    private Long parentSpanId;

    /** 扩展字段. */
    @Protobuf(order = 7)
    private List<RpcRequestMetaExtField> extFields;

    /** 非PbRpc规范,用于传输额外的参数. */
    @Protobuf(fieldType = FieldType.BYTES, order = 110)
    private byte[] extraParam;

message RpcRequestMeta {
    required string service_name = 1;
    required string method_name = 2;
    optional int64 log_id = 3;
    optional int64 trace_id = 4;
    optional int64 span_id = 5;
    optional int64 parent_span_id = 6;
    optional string request_id = 7; // correspond to x-request-id in http header
    optional int32 timeout_ms = 8;  // client's timeout setting for current call

when will jprotobuf rpc support set request id and timeout to rpc request?