baidu / amis

前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。
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使用自定义js给表格编辑框组件赋值只能执行一次,第二次不生效 #10665

Open duyuanyuan0815 opened 2 months ago

duyuanyuan0815 commented 2 months ago







  1. 你是如何使用 amis 的? sdk

  2. amis 版本是什么?请先在最新 beta 版本测试问题是否存在 6.0, 最新版本中也有问题

  3. 粘贴有问题的完整 amis schema 代码: { "type": "form", "title": "", "canAccessSuperData": false, "mode": "horizontal", "staticOn": "${_id&&isEdit!= '1'}", "wrapWithPanel": false, "body": [ { "type": "grid", "columns": [ { "body": [ { "type": "input-text", "label": "利率表", "name": "changeElementCd", "required": false, "id": "u:hybf82bba68d42" } ], "id": "u:a65f65f900523" }, { "body": [ { "type": "button", "label": "重置计划测试", "btnDescription": "", "onEvent": { "click": { "actions": [ { "actionType": "custom", "script": "/ 自定义JS使用说明:\n 1.动作执行函数doAction,可以执行所有类型的动作\n 2.通过上下文对象context可以获取当前组件实例,例如context.props可以获取该组件相关属性\n 3.事件对象event,在doAction之后执行event.stopPropagation();可以阻止后续动作执行\n*/\nlet _list = || [];\ => {\n item.elementCd =\n})\nconsole.log('_list',_list)\ndoAction({\n actionType: 'setValue',\n componentId: \"u:b3abe5b70bef111\",\n args: {\n value: _list\n }\n});\n" } ] } }, "id": "u:m9194592db054", "mode": "all", "level": "danger" } ], "id": "u:m90df8c9222b3" }, { "body": [ { "type": 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  4. 操作步骤 文本框输入值,点击按钮,此时表格编辑框中可以赋值,再次修改文本框中的值,点击按钮,此时数据域中的数据已经更新,但是页面UI未生效

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

👍 Thanks for this! 🏷 I have applied any labels matching special text in your issue.

Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.