baidu / boteye

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boteye-master编译错误 #22

Closed strongerLi1113 closed 6 years ago

strongerLi1113 commented 6 years ago

ubuntu 16.04 64位

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: XP_DRIVER_LIBRARY linked by target "xp_sensor_logger" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/xp_sensor_logger XP_LIBRARY linked by target "app_tracking" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/app_tracking linked by target "pose_receiver" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/app_tracking linked by target "xp_sensor_logger" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/xp_sensor_logger linked by target "cam_calibration" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/cam_calibration

strongerLi1113 commented 6 years ago


yanghongtian commented 6 years ago

抱歉这么久才回复你,出现这个问题的原因是你的boteye-master目录下没有lib_x86_64的目录,这个目录请参考我们的WIKI的build章节里面的Pre-built libraries,请将lib_x86_64.tar.gz下载下来解压到boteye-master目录下即可。

strongerLi1113 commented 6 years ago

strong@ubuntu:~/XP_release/boteye-master$ strong@ubuntu:~/XP_release/boteye-master$ ls apps calib_params lib_x86_64 XP AprilTag5x7.png cmake include strong@ubuntu:~/XP_release/boteye-master$ cd apps/build/ strong@ubuntu:~/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/build$ cmake .. -- Found Eigen3 at Eigen_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/local/include/eigen3 -- Found OpenCV 3.0.0 at /home/strong/XP_release/3rdparty_lib_lean -- OpenCV contains the following libs -- opencv_viz -- opencv_videostab -- opencv_videoio -- opencv_video -- opencv_superres -- opencv_stitching -- opencv_shape -- opencv_photo -- opencv_objdetect -- opencv_ml -- opencv_imgproc -- opencv_imgcodecs -- opencv_highgui -- opencv_hal -- opencv_flann -- opencv_features2d -- opencv_core -- opencv_calib3d -- Boost version: 1.58.0 -- Found the following Boost libraries: -- filesystem -- system -- Found libopencv_viz CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: XP_DRIVER_LIBRARY linked by target "xp_sensor_logger" in directory /home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/xp_sensor_logger

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/strong/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". strong@ubuntu:~/XP_release/boteye-master/apps/build$

strongerLi1113 commented 6 years ago


strongerLi1113 commented 6 years ago


yanghongtian commented 6 years ago

Hi, 麻烦你重新下载那个lib_x86_64.tar.gz,按照上面那个步骤再重新cmake 和make一下,抱歉我们的压缩文件里面漏了一个.so文件

yanghongtian commented 6 years ago

@strongerLi1113 如果这个问题解决了,能麻烦你帮忙关闭这个issue吗。如果一周后还没有得到您的反馈,我假设这个问题已经解决了,后续如果有其他问题,欢迎您反馈给我们