bailuk / AAT

Another Activity Tracker for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
150 stars 41 forks source link

privacy policy update #100

Closed mpaolo closed 3 years ago

mpaolo commented 3 years ago


seems you have included org.acra tracker at some point, thus the PP should be amended accordingly. At present it says:

Crash reports
The developer is unable to get crash reports automatically when the app crashes. ...

I think acra allows for such automatic sending (where? which server?) albeit upon user's choice/confirmation?


bailuk commented 3 years ago


ACRA is configured to send crash reports with e-mail manually, with and only with the interaction of the user. This means a dialog gets displayed that gives the user a choice to "cancel" or to open the standard e-mail program to edit and then send an mail with a stack trace attached. The stack trace is a text file that can be displayed with any text-editor. See here on how ACRA is configured:

For me ACRA is very useful: so far it helped me to fix many bugs efficiently.

Also ACRA is open source and on GitHub

mpaolo commented 3 years ago


yep, perfect - you may want to just copy-n-paste your answer mostly as-is into the Crash reports paragraph in and you're done :) Till you change things, that is. Point is that checking app with e.g. classyshark3xodus it shows 1 tracker since some version update whereas there were none before. One may wonder what's it for, so better mention it upfront in the PP doc.
