bailuk / AAT

Another Activity Tracker for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
150 stars 41 forks source link

Feature Request, Color Setting for Tracks and Overlays #152

Open RealVegOs opened 9 months ago

RealVegOs commented 9 months ago

I would like to distinguish between overlay and recorded track. I would be happy with at least one setting. E.g. setting the color of one of the two. Best would be color settings for both. Or fixed colors. May be the recorded track still blue and overlay red? Would that be possible?

Or is there a gpx extension implemented so I can add a color to the gpx source code? Which one? Could you please give me the code? Something like


But for AAT it's definitively not the gpxx extension.

Thank much for any consideration and thank muchy much for this beautiful and useful app!

bailuk commented 4 months ago

How colors currently are implemented:

Some ideas

RealVegOs commented 4 months ago

Ops, I'm living in a flat (blue) region! Thanks much for this proposals! Global settings are good as color from GPX will not work for all. A simple RGB input field will do for me. There are Open Source JS color dialogs. I hope the effort is not that high if colors already implemented.

RealVegOs commented 2 months ago

I cannot install v1.25 - even if I allow untrusted sources I get an error like, apk probably damaged (in German). Could you please bring it to F-droid, where I got the previous version too? THX and Greetings. Sorry, the debug version installed!