bailuk / AAT

Another Activity Tracker for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
150 stars 41 forks source link

Wish list #6

Closed Heineken closed 4 years ago

Heineken commented 7 years ago

Hello, I hope this repo is active, because this seems to be the 1st issue. Looking for a replacement for MyTracks I tried AAT today. I like the style, seems to work fine and quick. Here's my feature wish-list:

bailuk commented 7 years ago

Both MET and weight can be provided in the settings dialog. The MET value is leading the activity's name. For example: 6.8 bicycling, leisure, moderate effort

Heineken commented 7 years ago


Oh, I didn't know. I was mislead by the "Open".

Cumulated vertical meters

I don't know if you're aware, but the calculated number depends largely on the applied filter (average, threshold) which is necessary due to the larger error of GPS altitude. There seems to be no established standard procedure and hence, there are no official numbers given for e.g. the Tour de France. I found out when I played around with data an compared values from Google Earth, GPSies and my Excel calculation. If you understand German, here's a little more about it:

hours MET weight

To make it consistent, better make it "time MET weight" and give the unit for MET [kcal/h/kg] or make it "time[hours] MET weight[kg]"

Ah, there is a Didn't find that the first time I was looking for docu. Is that that displayed in the app somewhere? Why not integrate it with the existing

bailuk commented 6 years ago

I've added a "descend" and "ascend" filed in the cockpit and track summary for vertical meters. It uses two averaged altitudes to calculate altitude deltas. It's probably not super accurate but form first sight it doesn't look bad.

I've also added a slope field to the cockpit.

Some ideas to make calculations more accurate:

Heineken commented 6 years ago

Sounds cool, looking forward to testing it. What averaging do you apply? Could that be configurable? As mentioned above, that can change results dramatically and hence needs to be known in order to be able to compare measured cumulated vertical distance.

pherjung commented 6 years ago

Are you planning to support Bluetooth heart rate sensors ?

bailuk commented 6 years ago

Are you planning to support Bluetooth heart rate sensors ?

There are no plans so far. If you want you can start a new issue report with more details (what sensors / standards / file formats ...). Maybe (hopefully) this will then lead to something.

mjray commented 4 years ago

Opentopomap would be also useful for cycling with waymarkedtrails cycling overlay which is already there. Not sure if it can be added.