baizel / covidinfographics

A site to access all the info-graphics about COVID-19 in different languages
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Colour and style #4

Closed SzyJ closed 4 years ago

SzyJ commented 4 years ago

Complete redesign to use Materialize more and stay loyal to the colour palette of the infographics. I believe all functionality from the current master has been preserved.

The language selection will no longer reach the bottom of the screen and there will be a scroll bar.

Selecting a language will show next stage but once a language has been selected, it will remain in that state forever.

About information has been brought up to emphasise it more and give a brief of what the website is before the user starts interacting.

Major health organisation links are displayed on a vibrant colour to emphesise their importance. They will also work on small screens such as mobile with a pull-out tab.

Care has been taken to make sure that colours stay consistent throughout and that interactable elements react to mouse hover. Still todo is footer and language selection box.

The change is fairly major so you may want to test it before merge.

SzyJ commented 4 years ago

If more changes need to be made to fit criteria of showing full process at the start, its an easy change but I believe keeping the screen clutter-free and helping user know what to focus on is more important imo. Either way. Let me know if you want me to make changes before merge

baizel commented 4 years ago

Issue #3