bajuwa / ComicCompiler

Scripts that help combine/splice webtoon images into a smaller collection of pages
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Investigate adding ReleaseThatWatermark to the CC Suite workflow #104

Open bajuwa opened 4 years ago

bajuwa commented 4 years ago

Get answers to:

Potential algorithm:

  1. Include config keys in CC Suite for:
    1. Path to the exe
    2. Path to the configuration file (ignore the input/output parts tho)
    3. Expected position of watermark on input images (if 'custom' then might need to be temporarily compiled then unstitched again...)
  2. CC Suite runs watermark extraction after ad page removal but before potential waifu'ing
    1. Will copy the given configuration txt file to the required location (??) and then update the input/output file options
    2. Will run watermarking and put images into a new input folder of 'old folder name + -unmarked' (ch000 will become ch000-unmarked)
  3. Continue with the rest of the process (concatenating major events to the chapter folder name as it goes)