bajuwa / ComicCompiler

Scripts that help combine/splice webtoon images into a smaller collection of pages
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Change breakpoint detection to work off of proper colours instead of grayscale #66

Open bajuwa opened 4 years ago

bajuwa commented 4 years ago

Currently we use 16bit grayscale decimal values as 'input colours'. This is limited and not very user friendly, so we should change to colour values that people will actually recognize and cover the full spectrum of pixel colours that could be seen.

See here for updated imagemagick command:

convert rose: -scale 1x1! -format "%[fx:floor(255*u.r)],%[fx:floor(255*u.g)],%[fx:floor(255*u.b)]" info: returns 145,89,80

Converting 16bit grayscale decimal can be done by converting to 8bit decimal via x = (65535 >> 8) and then using the output x of 0-255 value to get rgb(x,x,x)

This will require changes to the command line argument inputs to accept RGB/dec/gray based input formats: