bakape / shamichan

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moderation: redesign moderation panel #1304

Closed Kamuso closed 2 years ago

Kamuso commented 2 years ago

The idea was that it's more useful to be able to perform multiple actions against a single poster than to perform a single action against multiple posts, and to put all those actions into the same place. I showed Sakuya and some other people an early design of the new panel and they were pretty happy with it.

There are a few changes in behaviour that you should be aware of. Shadowbinning no longer deletes all posts made before the binning. Some people dislike how memebins break previous anonimity so this should shut them up. But since you can now shadowbin someone and delete all of their posts at the same time, I think this is fine. Shadowbinning can now be applied globally. Currently the global checkbox only shows for the admin account, but if a global moderator added the checkbox with the browser developer tools or handrolled the moderate api call, they would have permission so it would work. I'd like the global checkbox to show up for global mods but it probably depends on #1094. You can delete/spoil/purge all files from an IP in a single action. This can't be done globally right now, but it should be easy to add.

bakape commented 2 years ago

No problems with code or design choices. Will need to see how the userbase takes the changes after a while. Appreciate cleaning up the panel-menu duality!