bakape / thumbnailer

Go media thumbnailer
MIT License
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Compilation error "inconsistent definitions for C.struct_Buffer" #48

Closed ElMaxo closed 5 years ago

ElMaxo commented 5 years ago

With go version go1.10.2 linux/amd64 on Ubuntu 18.04 i get compilation error from title. // #include "thumbnailer.h" at cover_art.go fixes the issue

bakape commented 5 years ago

Compiled successfully with a stock 18.04 virtual machine. With stock go version (1.10.4). Compiles fine, but all tests fail. Odd.

bakape commented 5 years ago

// #include "thumbnailer.h"

And this line should have no effect as all C comments are concatenated package-wide during compilation.

bakape commented 5 years ago

Same result with go 1.11.5 on 18.04. This runs fine on Debian both stable and testing. Might be some compiler or library quirk of 18.04. I'll test on 18.10.

bakape commented 5 years ago

Also works fine on Ubuntu 18.10 with stock go version 1.10.4. Writing this off as a bug in 18.04 on the Ubuntu side.